Are Pool Covers Worth the Money? – Evaluating Value in South Africa

Designer pool covers are a valuable investment for pool owners in South Africa, providing a range of benefits that make them worth the money. They not only increase safety by preventing accidents and drowning, but they also reduce cleaning and heating costs by keeping dirt and debris out of the pool and preventing water evaporation. Pool covers also save on chemicals and energy consumption, making them a cost-effective solution for pool owners looking to cut down on operating expenses. While the price of pool covers varies depending on the size and type, they are estimated to save up to 70% of a pool’s operating costs. Automatic pool covers are particularly convenient and offer added safety features. Overall, investing in a pool cover in South Africa is a wise decision that can save money and enhance the overall pool experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Pool covers are worth the money for pool owners in South Africa due to their numerous benefits.
  • They increase safety by preventing accidents and drowning.
  • They reduce cleaning and heating costs by keeping dirt and debris out of the pool and preventing water evaporation.
  • They save on chemicals and energy consumption, making them a cost-effective solution for pool owners.
  • Pool covers are estimated to save up to 70% of a pool’s operating costs.
  • Automatic pool covers are particularly convenient and offer added safety features.

Ensuring Safety and Peace of Mind with Designer Pool Covers

A pool cover acts as a horizontal fence, shielding the pool’s surface and preventing children, pets, and debris from falling in. The safety benefits are invaluable, providing peace of mind for parents and homeowners.

Investing in a PoolDeck Slatted pool cover is an excellent way to achieve safety and convenience. Not only does it prevent accidents and unauthorized access, but it also keeps the pool cleaner for longer and seals in heat, saving on heating expenses. Automatic pool covers, like the PoolDeck Slatted pool cover, are a convenient option, as they can be easily operated with the click of a switch.

In addition to their safety benefits, pool covers decrease water evaporation, resulting in less chemical usage. They also help keep out dirt and debris, reducing the time and effort needed for pool cleaning. Plus, pool covers contribute to water conservation, which is essential in drought-prone South Africa.

While the cost of pool covers may vary depending on the size and type of cover chosen, the benefits far outweigh the initial investment. Whether it’s a thermal blanket, an automatic cover, or a stylish designer cover, such as the PoolDeck Slatted pool cover, ensuring safety and peace of mind is well worth it.

By choosing a PoolDeck Slatted pool cover, homeowners can enjoy unparalleled safety and convenience. The cover’s durable design ensures reliability and longevity, making it a wise and profitable investment.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

In terms of energy efficiency, pool covers offer significant advantages. They reduce water evaporation by up to 80%, resulting in water conservation and reduced water bills. In addition, they also reduce the need for chemicals like chlorine, which can add up to significant cost savings over time. By sealing in heat, pool covers can also greatly reduce power consumption for heating the pool. Furthermore, pool covers prevent algae growth, which reduces the need for costly chemicals and cleaning services.

Designer pool covers, such as the PoolDeck Slatted pool cover, offer superior energy efficiency benefits due to their innovative design. The interlocking slats of the PoolDeck cover create a tight seal that prevents heat from escaping while also keeping debris out of the pool. This results in additional cost savings on cleaning and maintenance over time.

Overall, investing in a pool cover is a smart decision for pool owners who want to reduce energy costs and improve sustainability. The financial benefits of reduced operating costs and extended equipment lifespan make pool covers a cost-effective choice in the long term. Plus, the reduced need for chemicals and water conservation efforts make pool covers an environmentally responsible choice as well.

Significant Cost Savings

Overall, it’s estimated that a pool cover can save up to 70% of a pool’s operating costs, providing significant cost savings for pool owners in South Africa. Designer pool covers not only increase safety by preventing accidents and drowning, but they also reduce cleaning, heating, and chemical costs. Automatic pool covers are a convenient option that requires less labor and offers additional safety benefits.

Reduced Cleaning and MaintenancePool covers eliminate dirt and debris from entering the pool, reducing the frequency of cleaning and maintenance.
Lower Heating CostsPool covers help in keeping the temperature constant, sealing in heat and reducing water evaporation, in turn decreasing the use of chemicals.
Extended Filtration System LifePool covers protect the filtration system, reducing wear and tear and extending its lifespan.

While there are cheaper options available, investing in an attractive and functional pool cover is the best choice for cost savings and safety. The cost of pool covers depends on the size, shape, and type of material used. However, the savings made in the long run outweigh the initial investment.

So, for pool owners in South Africa, it is wise to opt for a designer pool cover to ensure significant cost savings in operating costs. Not only do these covers keep the water warmer, but they also provide an extra layer of safety for children and pets.

Floating Pool Covers for Heat Retention

Floating pool covers are an effective solution for preventing debris contamination and maintaining heat in outdoor pools. These covers offer multiple benefits that make them a popular choice for pool owners in South Africa.

One of the key advantages of floating pool covers is their ability to retain heat, reducing the amount of energy required to heat the pool. By trapping the heat, pool covers prevent heat loss, which can lead to significant energy savings and lower electricity bills. Additionally, pool covers reduce the need for using excessive amounts of chemicals, such as chlorine, to maintain water quality, as they prevent debris and other contaminants from entering the pool.

Another benefit of floating pool covers is their ability to prevent algae growth. By keeping sunlight out of the pool, pool covers inhibit the growth of algae, which can further reduce chemical usage and cleaning time.

Pool covers come in various types and sizes, such as automatic covers and thermal blankets, and can be custom-designed for a perfect fit. Prices for pool covers depend on the size and type of cover chosen, but they are generally considered a cost-effective investment. Pool covers can save up to 70% of operating costs by reducing water evaporation, chemical use, and cleaning time, making them a popular choice for pool owners seeking to reduce their maintenance costs.

In conclusion, the use of floating pool covers is a worthwhile investment for pool owners in South Africa. Designer pool covers offer numerous benefits, including safety, energy efficiency, reduced costs, and easy maintenance. While the initial expense may be higher compared to not using a pool cover, the long-term savings and advantages make them a smart investment choice for pool owners.

Exploring the Cost of Pool Covers

The cost of pool covers in South Africa varies depending on factors such as the size and shape of the pool and the type of cover chosen. Designer pool covers come in different types, including thermal blankets and automated sliding pool covers, each with a different price range. The cost of installation and maintenance is also a consideration for pool owners.

For smaller pools with standard shapes, thermal blankets are a cost-effective option. They are lightweight and easy to install, with prices starting from R1000 for a 3×3 metre pool cover. For larger pools or irregular shapes, customized pool covers are required. Automated sliding pool covers offer convenience and advanced safety features, but are more expensive with prices starting at R40 000 for a 10×5 metre pool.

While the upfront cost of pool covers may seem daunting, they can provide long-term cost savings for pool owners. The benefits of pool covers include increased safety, reduced cleaning and heating costs, and energy efficiency. They prevent debris from entering the pool, save on water evaporation and chemical use, and keep the water warm.

Manual pool covers are cheaper but require more effort to maintain and use. Automatic pool covers, on the other hand, offer convenience and enhanced safety but are more expensive than manual covers. However, the investment in an automatic pool cover can be worthwhile, given the potential cost savings and increased peace of mind.

Overall, pool covers are worth the cost as they provide numerous benefits and can be considered a great investment for pool owners. The cost of pool covers may vary, but the long-term savings and practical advantages they offer are priceless.

Making a Profitable Investment

While pool covers may require an upfront investment, the cost savings in the long run make them a profitable investment. Designer pool covers are a great investment option to consider for South African pool owners. Installing a pool cover offers a range of benefits, including safety, energy efficiency, cost savings, and convenience.

SafetyPool covers act as a horizontal fence, preventing accidents and unauthorized access to the pool.
Energy EfficiencyReduce water evaporation by up to 80%, lower chemical usage, seal in heat to warm the pool, and reduce power consumption.
Cost SavingsSave up to 70% on a pool’s operating costs, including water and chemical costs, cleaning and maintenance, and extended lifespan of the filtration system.
ConvenienceAutomatic pool covers provide quick and easy use, making pool ownership more enjoyable and hassle-free.

Designer pool covers come in various sizes and types, such as thermal blankets and automated sliding pool covers, and the cost varies depending on the size and shape of the pool. However, considering the cost savings and long-term benefits, they are considered a cost-effective investment.

Investing in a pool cover is a smart choice for South African pool owners. It is a long-term investment that not only provides financial savings but also enhances pool safety and enjoyment. Do your research and choose the best pool cover option for your pool.


In conclusion, pool covers are definitely worth the money for pool owners in South Africa. Designer Pool covers provide safety benefits by preventing accidents and unauthorized access, giving pool owners peace of mind. But it doesn’t stop there; pool covers also offer a host of energy efficient advantages such as reducing water evaporation and heat retention, resulting in significant cost savings. Pool covers decrease the need for chemicals and lower maintenance and equipment costs, while also keeping out debris and reducing cleaning time, which is beneficial for a pool owner’s wallet. While automatic pool covers may be more expensive, they offer the added convenience factor and heightened safety benefits.

Investing in a pool cover is a wise decision for any pool owner in South Africa. The cost of the cover will depend on the size and shape of the pool, but the cost savings over time make it a profitable long-term investment. The thermal blankets and automated sliding pool covers are among the different options available for pool owners in South Africa to choose from.

Experience Designer Pool covers

For those living in South Africa, Designer Pool covers are well worth the investment. These covers provide great value for money, with a range of options to select from, and can lead to significant cost savings. Allowing you to enjoy your pool in a safe and efficient way.

If you are looking to prevent dirt and debris contamination, retain heat, reduce chlorine usage, and avoid degradation, then floating pool covers are the solution. They provide excellent heat retention benefits, which is ideal for colder climates, making it a must-have addition to a pool owner’s inventory.

Overall, pool covers are a wise investment for any pool owner in South Africa. These covers pay for themselves over time and contribute to cost savings on several fronts, making it an investment that pool owners can enjoy for years to come.


Q: Are pool covers worth the investment?

A: Yes, pool covers are worth the money as they provide safety benefits, reduce cleaning and heating costs, and extend the lifespan of the pool’s filtration system.

Q: How do pool covers increase safety?

A: Pool covers act as a horizontal fence, preventing accidents by keeping children, pets, and debris out of the pool. They can also be locked to prevent unauthorized access.

Q: Do pool covers save on energy costs?

A: Yes, pool covers reduce water evaporation by up to 80%, resulting in water conservation and reduced water bills. They also seal in heat, reducing power consumption and preventing algae growth.

Q: Can pool covers save time on cleaning?

A: Absolutely, pool covers keep dirt, leaves, and debris out of the pool, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance.

Q: How much can pool covers save in operating costs?

A: It’s estimated that pool covers can save up to 70% of a pool’s operating costs, including savings on water, chemicals, and heating.

Q: What are the advantages of floating pool covers?

A: Floating pool covers prevent debris contamination, maintain heat, and reduce the need for chlorine by minimizing light entering the pool.

Q: How much do pool covers cost in South Africa?

A: The cost of pool covers varies depending on factors such as the size and shape of the pool and the type of cover chosen, such as thermal blankets or automated sliding pool covers.

Q: Are pool covers a profitable investment?

A: Yes, investing in a pool cover can save money in the long run through cost savings on water, chemicals, heating, and maintenance. It also enhances safety and enjoyment of the pool.

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