How to Clean a Pool Safety Cover? – Your Complete Guide

Cleaning a pool safety cover is an essential part of pool maintenance to ensure the safety and longevity of the cover. There are different types of pool safety covers, and each requires specific cleaning methods. Here’s a complete guide to cleaning the different types of pool safety covers: For solid and mesh pool safety covers, start by removing any debris using a leaf blower or a broom. Then, use a hose to rinse off any remaining dirt or grimy build-up. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning solutions and avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the cover material. Opening a pool cover manually can be done by carefully removing the anchors and walking the cover back to its resting position. Regular cleaning and proper maintenance of pool safety covers can help extend their lifespan and keep your pool safe and clean. Another type of pool safety cover is the automatic pool cover, which requires a different cleaning approach. Start by removing any debris with a soft brush or vacuum, and then use a gentle cleaner recommended by the manufacturer to remove any built-up dirt or algae. Regular cleaning and maintenance of all types of pool safety covers not only extend their lifespan but also prevent accidents and keep debris out of the pool. The benefits of pool safety covers include reducing the risk of accidental drowning, keeping the water cleaner, and preventing leaves and other debris from entering the pool. Regular cleaning and maintenance ensure that these benefits are maximized. In addition to regular cleaning and maintenance, it’s important to keep in mind the pool cover benefits when considering the care of your pool safety covers. Pool cover benefits include reducing the need for excessive chemical usage to keep the water clean, conserving water by reducing evaporation, and maintaining a more stable water temperature. By understanding and maximizing these pool cover benefits, you can ensure that your pool safety covers continue to provide a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for years to come.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regularly check for rips and tears in the covers.
  • Use mild detergent, soft brush, and garden hose to clean the cover.
  • Avoid adding chemicals to the pool through the cover.
  • Properly store the cover in a shaded area to prevent deterioration.

Types of Pool Safety Covers

There are different types of pool safety covers that require specific cleaning and maintenance methods. The most common types include solid swimming pool safety covers, mesh pool safety covers, solar pool safety covers, and automatic pool safety covers.

Solid swimming pool safety covers: These covers are made of solid vinyl and do not allow sunlight to pass through. They prevent algae growth and keep the pool clean. To clean a solid pool safety cover, regularly check the waterline, use a garden hose and mild detergent to clean the cover, and treat any mold with a water and bleach solution.

Mesh pool safety covers: These covers are made of mesh material and allow water and light to pass through. They are cost-effective and require less maintenance than solid covers. To clean a mesh pool safety cover, check for any tears or rips, use a telescopic pole to remove debris, and scrub any mold with a bleach and water solution.

Solar pool safety covers: These covers are similar to solid covers but are constructed with tiny bubbles that trap heat. They are best cleaned by hosing them off before installation, gently scrubbing with a brush, and keeping them away from sunlight when not in use.

Automatic pool safety covers: These covers are convenient but require proper maintenance. Before switching them on, ensure correct water levels and remove any heavy debris. Apply detergent, brush lightly, and rinse with a hose. A cover pump can be used to remove excess water.

When cleaning pool safety covers, it’s important not to walk on top of them unless necessary, avoid adding chemicals through the cover, and avoid dragging the cover on the ground. Make sure the cover is completely dry before storing to prevent mold and mildew.

Proper maintenance of pool safety covers includes keeping them away from sunlight when not in use, storing them properly, preventing dirt and debris from accumulating, maintaining the right chemical levels in the pool water, repairing damages promptly, and using a winter-specific cover during the winter season.

By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your designer pool cover while prioritising the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

Cleaning Solid Swimming Pool Safety Covers

Cleaning solid swimming pool safety covers is an essential part of maintaining a pool and ensuring the safety and longevity of the cover. There are different types of pool safety covers, including solid, mesh, solar, and automatic covers, and each requires specific cleaning methods.

To clean a solid pool safety cover, follow these steps:

  1. Start by checking the waterline for any debris or leaves that may have accumulated on top of the cover. Use a leaf skimmer to remove any debris or leaves.
  2. Next, use a garden hose to spray off any remaining debris or dirt on the top surface of the cover. Use a pool brush to loosen any stubborn dirt or debris.
  3. If there is mold, mix water and bleach in a 1:1 ratio and apply the solution to the affected area. Allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with a garden hose.
  4. Use a pool cover pump to remove any water that has accumulated on top of the cover. If there is too much water, it can cause the cover to sag and potentially damage it.
  5. Finally, use a mild detergent and a pool brush to clean any remaining dirt or stains. Rinse off with a garden hose and allow the cover to air dry completely before storing it.

When cleaning a solid pool safety cover, it is important not to walk on top of the cover unless necessary, avoid adding chemicals through the cover, and avoid dragging the cover on the ground. By following these cleaning tips and best practices, Designer Pool owners can keep their solid swimming pool safety covers clean, functional, and durable for years to come.

Cleaning Mesh Pool Safety Covers

Mesh pool safety covers are a popular choice for pool owners due to their cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance. Designer Pool covers offer a range of mesh pool safety covers that can be customized to fit your pool, ensuring maximum safety and protection. To clean a mesh pool safety cover, follow these steps:

  1. Regularly check the cover for any rips or tears and repair them promptly to prevent further damage.
  2. Use a telescopic pole to remove any heavy debris, such as leaves or branches, that may have accumulated on the cover.
  3. If you notice any mold development on the cover, mix a solution of bleach and water and scrub the affected area. Rinse it off with a garden hose afterward.
  4. To prevent dirt from sticking to the cover, regularly hose it down with water to remove any surface dirt.
  5. For more thorough cleaning, use a mild detergent and a soft brush to scrub the cover gently. Rinse it off with water afterward.
  6. Avoid walking on top of the pool safety cover unless necessary, as this can strain the cover and cause damage.
  7. When adding chemicals to the pool, pull back a corner of the cover and add the chemicals directly into the pool. If any chemicals come into contact with the cover, rinse it off with water immediately.
  8. When storing the cover, make sure it is completely dry to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Fold it into manageable widths and store it in a shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  9. Lastly, be mindful of maintaining the right chemical levels in your pool to prevent damage to the cover. If the pool is super chlorinated, remove the cover temporarily until the chlorine levels normalize.

By following these steps and tips, you can ensure that your mesh pool safety cover stays clean and functional, providing a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. With proper care and maintenance, your Designer Pool cover can last for many years to come.

Cleaning Solar Pool Safety Covers

To clean a solar pool safety cover, follow these steps:

  1. Use water from a garden hose and a soft brush to clean the cover
  2. Keep the cover away from sunlight when not in use
  3. Avoid walking on top of the cover to prevent damage and safety risks
  4. Do not add chemicals to the pool through the cover
  5. Ensure the cover is completely dry before storing to prevent mold and mildew

Proper maintenance is essential to prolong the lifespan of the pool cover. Designer Pool covers should be kept away from sunlight and stored in a shaded area to prevent deterioration. Store them properly by allowing them to fully dry before folding and rolling them up. Keep the covers clean by preventing contact with grass, dirt, and falling leaves. Maintain the right chemical levels in the pool to prevent damage to the cover, and repair any damages or tears immediately. Use a winter-specific pool cover during the winter season instead of leaving the solar pool cover out, to ensure its longevity.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can keep your solar pool safety cover in excellent condition and ensure its effectiveness in protecting the pool and its users.

Cleaning Automatic Pool Safety Covers

Designer pool covers are highly effective in keeping your pool safe and clean, but regular maintenance is crucial to ensure their longevity. Automatic pool safety covers require specific cleaning methods to keep them in good condition. To clean an automatic pool safety cover, follow these steps:

Step 1Ensure the pool water level is correct before cleaning the cover. If the water level is too low, the cover may become damaged.
Step 2Use a soft brush and mild detergent to scrub the cover gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals or rough scrubbing pads as they may cause damage.
Step 3Rinse the cover thoroughly with a hose to remove all dirt and detergent. Make sure there is no soap left on the cover.
Step 4Allow the cover to dry completely before storing it. Never store the cover when it’s wet as this can cause mold growth.

It’s essential to avoid damaging the cover when cleaning it. Do not walk on top of the cover, as this can damage the fabric and strain the mechanism. Also, do not add chemicals through the cover, as this can cause damage to the mechanism. Never drag the cover on the ground, as it can cause tears and damage to the fabric. Finally, never store the cover when it’s wet. Mold growth can occur, which can damage the cover and make it unusable. By following these simple cleaning and maintenance tips, you can ensure your automatic pool safety cover lasts for many years and keeps your pool safe and clean.

Avoiding Damage When Cleaning a Pool Safety Cover

When cleaning a pool safety cover, there are also things you should not do to avoid causing damage:

  • Avoid walking on the cover, as this can strain the cover and cause accidents.
  • Avoid adding chemicals to the pool through the cover. Instead, use a corner of the cover to add chemicals.
  • When installing or removing the cover, do not drag it on the ground to prevent tears and scratches.
  • Ensure the safety cover is completely dry before storage to prevent mold and mildew.

Following these cleaning and maintenance tips will not only ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your pool safety cover, but also keep your swimming pool safe and enjoyable for all.

Storing a Pool Safety Cover

When it comes to storing a pool safety cover, there are a few important steps to follow to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Regardless of the type of pool safety cover you have, whether it’s a solid cover, mesh cover, solar cover, or automatic cover, proper storage is key.

Make sure the safety cover is completely dry before storing it to prevent mold and mildew. Start by removing any debris, such as leaves or dirt, from the cover’s surface. You can use a hose to rinse off the cover and gently scrub any stubborn dirt with a soft brush. For a more thorough cleaning, you can use mild detergent and water to wash the cover, but be sure to rinse it thoroughly to remove any residue.

Once the pool safety cover is clean, it’s essential to let it dry completely before storing it. This will help prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Air drying is the best method, and you should avoid folding or storing the cover while it’s still wet.

When it comes to the actual storage, it’s recommended to fold the pool safety cover into manageable sections, typically four-foot widths. Rolling the cover from one end can also help prevent creases. If you have a large plastic bag or the original shipping carton, you can use them to cover the folded cover for added protection.

When storing the pool safety cover, it’s important to keep it in a shaded and protected area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposure to direct sunlight and extreme heat can damage the cover over time. If you have an automatic cover, ensure that the system is properly switched off and water levels are correct before storage.

Lastly, it’s crucial to avoid dragging the pool safety cover on the ground when installing or removing it, as this can cause tears and scratches. Additionally, avoid storing the cover with chemicals or adding chemicals to the pool through the cover. Chemicals should be added by pulling back a corner of the cover and applying them directly to the pool.

By following these steps and taking proper care of your pool safety cover, which may include Designer Pool covers, you can ensure its longevity and effectiveness in keeping your pool protected and safe. Prioritizing safety and proper maintenance is key when it comes to owning a swimming pool.


In conclusion, cleaning a pool safety cover is essential for its longevity and effectiveness in protecting the pool. Designer Pool Covers advises that different types of pool safety covers require different cleaning methods. For solid swimming pool safety covers, regularly checking the waterline, using a garden hose and mild detergent, and treating mold with a water and bleach solution are necessary.

Mesh pool safety covers should be checked for tears and the spring tension should be monitored. A solution of bleach and water can be used to clean mold. Solar pool safety covers should be hosed down, gently scrubbed, washed with mild detergent, and rinsed to remove dirt and prevent white films.

Additionally, pool covers should be cared for by keeping them away from sunlight when not in use, storing them properly, avoiding dirt accumulation, maintaining the right chemical levels in the pool, repairing damages promptly, and using winter-specific covers during the winter season.

By following these maintenance tips, pool owners in South Africa can ensure the safety and longevity of their pool covers. So, don’t forget to take good care of your pool cover for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.


Q: How often should I clean my pool safety cover?

A: It is recommended to clean your pool safety cover at least once a month to prevent the buildup of debris and maintain its effectiveness.

Q: Can I use a pressure washer to clean my pool safety cover?

A: No, it is not recommended to use a pressure washer as it can damage the cover material. Stick to gentle cleaning methods using a hose, brush, and mild detergent.

Q: Should I remove my pool safety cover during the winter months?

A: It depends on the type of cover you have. Solid and automatic covers are designed to withstand winter conditions and can be left in place. However, mesh and solar covers should be removed during the winter to prevent damage from heavy snow and ice.

Q: How can I prevent mold and mildew from forming on my pool safety cover?

A: Regular cleaning and proper storage are key. Ensure the cover is completely dry before storing it and avoid exposing it to moisture for extended periods.

Q: Can I walk on top of my pool safety cover?

A: It is best to avoid walking on top of the cover unless necessary, as it can strain the cover and potentially cause accidents. Only walk on the cover to clean the drain panel or clear the surrounding area.

Q: Can I add chemicals to the pool through the cover?

A: No, it is not recommended to add chemicals to the pool through the cover. Pull back a corner of the cover and add the chemicals there to avoid any potential damage to the cover material.

Q: How long can I expect my pool safety cover to last?

A: The lifespan of a pool safety cover depends on various factors, including the quality of the cover, proper maintenance, and exposure to weather conditions. On average, a well-maintained pool safety cover can last between 8 to 12 years.

What is the Most Efficient Way to Clean a Swimming Pool Cover?

To clean a swimming pool cover efficiently, start by removing any debris or leaves with a leaf blower or a brush. Use a hose to rinse the cover thoroughly and get rid of any dirt or grime. For stubborn stains, mix a mild detergent with water and gently scrub the affected areas. Finish by spraying a vinyl conditioner to maintain the cover’s clarity and flexibility. Regular cleaning helps extend the lifespan of your clean swimming pool cover efficiently.

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