Effortless Guide: How to Skim Your Pool in Summer

Keeping your pool clean in summer can be a challenge due to heavy bather loads, heat, storms, and bushfires. However, with the right pool maintenance tips, you can easily stay on top of these issues and enjoy a sparkling clean pool all summer long. By following these 9 summer pool maintenance tips, including daily skimming and regular water testing, you can keep your pool safe and swim-ready.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with valuable pool skimming tips and pool maintenance advice to ensure your pool remains clean and pristine throughout the summer. So, grab your skimming net and let’s skim your pool!

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular skimming and water testing are essential for maintaining a clean pool in the summer.
  • Daily skimming helps prevent leaf litter from unbalancing your pool’s water chemistry.
  • Proper water balance and filtration are crucial for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.
  • Emptying skimmer and pump baskets regularly prevents water flow issues and algae growth.
  • Consider investing in a robotic cleaner for efficient and hands-free pool cleaning.

The Importance of Pool Maintenance in Summer

Summer is the time when your pool sees increased usage, with friends and family gathering for hours of fun and relaxation. However, the warm weather and heavy bather loads can pose challenges to the cleanliness and safety of your pool. That’s why proper pool maintenance in summer is crucial to ensure a clean and inviting swimming environment.

During the summer months, high temperatures can promote the growth of algae, while frequent storms and nearby bushfires can introduce debris and chemicals into the pool. This combination can lead to cloudy or contaminated water, posing health risks to swimmers. By prioritizing pool maintenance in summer, you can mitigate these issues and keep your pool sparkling clean.

Regular skimming, testing and balancing water chemistry, and cleaning the pool are essential tasks for maintaining the health and cleanliness of your pool. Skimming your pool daily with a net helps remove leaves and debris that can unbalance water chemistry and damage equipment. Additionally, testing the water chemistry a few times a week and adjusting the chemicals as necessary ensures proper sanitation and prevents cloudy water.

Proper pool maintenance in summer is crucial for keeping your pool clean, safe, and ready for swimming.

Emptying the skimmer and pump baskets regularly is also important to prevent water flow issues and maintain effective filtration. Neglecting to empty these baskets can result in clogged systems, leading to cloudy water and algae growth. Furthermore, rinsing or backwashing your pool filter helps remove debris that can hinder its effectiveness in filtering the water.

Remember to clean your pool surfaces regularly by brushing and using a manual vacuum to remove microparticles that can cause stains. Investing in a robotic cleaner can make cleaning more convenient and efficient. And don’t forget to maintain proper water levels by regularly checking and topping up if needed. This ensures optimal filtration and prevents the growth of algae and bacteria.

In special cases where regular chemical balancing is not enough, shock your pool with appropriate chemicals to restore the water balance. By following these pool maintenance tips, you can enjoy a clean, safe, and inviting pool all summer long.

1: Essential Pool Maintenance Tasks in Summer

Daily skimmingEvery day
Water chemistry testingA few times a week
Emptying skimmer and pump basketsWeekly
Filter rinsing or backwashingAs needed (when pressure gauge reads 10 PSI above normal)
Cleaning pool surfacesWeekly
Maintaining water levelsRegularly check and top up if needed
Pool shockingAs necessary (follow instructions based on chlorine and pH levels)

Skim Your Pool Every Day

Keeping your pool clean in summer requires consistent maintenance, and one of the most important tasks is daily skimming. The combination of wind, rain, and overhanging trees can introduce a significant amount of leaf litter into your pool. Failure to remove these leaves promptly can lead to unbalanced water chemistry and unsightly stains on your pool surfaces. By skimming your pool every day with a skimming net, you can prevent leaves from entering the skimmer and impeding the pool’s circulation. This simple yet crucial step also protects your pool equipment from potential damage caused by debris.

In addition to leaves, daily skimming also removes other visible debris, such as twigs, insects, and grass clippings. By removing these contaminants regularly, you can maintain a cleaner pool environment and enhance the effectiveness of other pool maintenance activities. Skimming also reduces the workload of the pool’s filtration system, allowing it to operate more efficiently and effectively.

To skim your pool effectively, start at one end and work your way across the entire surface, overlapping each stroke to ensure complete coverage. Take your time and be thorough, paying extra attention to corners, steps, and other areas where debris tends to accumulate. By incorporating daily skimming into your routine, you can keep your pool in pristine condition throughout the summer season.

Benefits of Daily Pool Skimming

  • Prevents leaves and other debris from affecting water chemistry
  • Protects pool equipment from potential damage
  • Reduces visible debris, enhancing pool clarity
  • Improves the efficiency of the pool’s filtration system

Tips for Effective Pool Skimming

  1. Skim your pool every day, preferably in the morning or early evening
  2. Use a skimming net with a long handle for easy reach
  3. Overlap each skimming stroke to ensure complete coverage
  4. Pay extra attention to corners, steps, and other debris-prone areas
  5. Dispose of the collected debris in a suitable waste container

By making daily skimming a priority in your pool maintenance routine, you can keep your pool clean, inviting, and safe for everyone to enjoy throughout the summer.

Test and Balance Water Chemistry

Regularly testing and balancing the water chemistry is a vital part of summer pool maintenance. Daily pool usage, backwashing, and splashing can deplete sanitizers and throw off the water balance. To ensure your pool is safe for swimmers, test your water chemistry a few times a week and adjust the chemicals as necessary. This will help prevent cloudy water and maintain proper sanitation.

To effectively balance your pool’s water chemistry, you’ll need to test the pH, total alkalinity, and chlorine levels. pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of the water, while total alkalinity helps stabilize the pH levels. Chlorine, on the other hand, keeps your pool free from harmful bacteria and algae.

Using a reliable pool water testing kit, follow the instructions to obtain accurate readings. Aim to keep the pH level between 7.4 and 7.6, total alkalinity between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm), and chlorine level between 1 and 3 ppm. If any of these levels are outside the recommended range, adjust them accordingly using appropriate chemicals.

Important Pool Water Chemistry Levels:

Chemical LevelIdeal RangeAction Required
pH7.4 – 7.6Add pH increaser or decreaser
Total Alkalinity80 – 120 ppmAdjust with alkalinity increaser or decreaser
Chlorine1 – 3 ppmShock the pool or add chlorine tablets

Remember to follow the instructions on the chemical packaging and avoid adding large amounts of chemicals all at once. Add them gradually, allowing time for the chemicals to circulate and mix with the pool water. It’s also important to wait for the chemicals to dissolve completely before retesting and making further adjustments.

By regularly testing and balancing your pool’s water chemistry, you can ensure it remains clean and safe for swimming throughout the summer.

“Proper water chemistry is essential for maintaining a healthy and enjoyable swimming experience. By testing and balancing your pool’s water regularly, you can prevent water-related problems and ensure a clean and safe pool for your family and guests.”

Empty Skimmer and Pump Baskets

When it comes to maintaining your pool, it’s important not to overlook the skimmer and pump baskets. Neglecting to empty these baskets regularly can lead to a variety of issues, including water flow problems, cloudy water, and even the growth of algae. Leaves and debris that accumulate in the baskets can clog the system and affect filtration, so it’s crucial to make emptying them a regular part of your pool maintenance routine.

To empty the skimmer and pump baskets, simply remove the lids and carefully lift out the baskets. Use a skimming net or your hands to remove any leaves, twigs, or other debris. If necessary, you can hose down the baskets to remove stubborn dirt and debris. It’s also important to inspect the baskets for any cracks or damage. If you notice any issues, be sure to replace the baskets to prevent further damage to your pool’s filtration system.

By making it a habit to regularly empty the skimmer and pump baskets, you can help ensure that your pool’s circulation system is functioning properly and that your pool water stays clean and clear throughout the summer.

Table: Comparison of Different Pool Skimming Tools

Pool Skimming ToolFeaturesProsCons
Skimming NetLightweight and easy to maneuverEffective for removing leaves and debris from the water’s surfaceMay not be ideal for removing smaller particles or insects
Leaf RakeWider net for capturing larger debrisGreat for gathering larger leaves and twigsCan be bulkier and harder to handle than a skimming net
Automatic Pool SkimmerOperates on its own to skim the pool surfaceConvenient and time-savingMay require installation and maintenance

Note: The above table provides a comparison of different pool skimming tools. Consider your pool’s specific needs and choose the tool that best suits your requirements.

Rinse or Backwash Your Filter

With increased pool usage in summer, it’s essential to ensure that your pool filter is working optimally to maintain clean and clear water. Over time, debris and contaminants can accumulate in the filter, affecting its efficiency and filtration capability. Regularly rinsing or backwashing your filter is a crucial step in summer pool maintenance to keep your pool water crystal clear.

Check the pressure gauge on your filter regularly. If the reading is 10 PSI or more above the normal range, it indicates that the filter needs attention. Depending on the type of filter you have, you can either rinse the cartridge filter or backwash the media filter.

If you have a cartridge filter, remove the cartridge and rinse it thoroughly with a hose to remove any trapped debris. After rinsing, reinstall the cartridge, ensuring it is properly secured. For media filters, backwashing is necessary to flush out the accumulated debris. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to backwash the filter, ensuring that the waste water is properly drained.

Filter TypeRecommended Frequency
Cartridge FilterRinse every 2-4 weeks
Media FilterBackwash when pressure rises by 10 PSI

In addition to regular rinsing or backwashing, it’s also beneficial to use a filter cleaner chemical at the end of the summer season to remove any grease or oil buildup. This ensures that your filter is in optimal condition for the next swimming season.

By incorporating regular filter maintenance into your summer pool care routine, you can maintain efficient filtration and enjoy sparkling clean water throughout the season.

Clean Your Pool

Keeping your pool clean in summer is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Skimming and filtering alone may not pick up microscopic particles that settle at the bottom of your pool, causing stains and reducing water clarity. To maintain a pristine pool, regular cleaning is necessary.

Start by brushing the pool surfaces to loosen any debris or algae. Focus on the walls, steps, and corners where dirt tends to accumulate. Use a manual pool vacuum to suck up the loosened debris, ensuring a thorough clean. For a more convenient option, consider investing in a robotic cleaner like the Viron QT 1050. This intelligent device works independently, navigating the pool to provide a hands-free cleaning experience with minimal effort on your part.

In addition to cleaning the pool surfaces, it’s also important to clean the pool accessories and equipment. Regularly check and clean the skimmer and pump baskets to prevent clogging and ensure proper water circulation. If you notice any cracks or damage, replace the baskets promptly to avoid further problems.

Table: Pool Cleaning Checklist

Brush pool surfacesOnce a week
Manual vacuumingOnce every two weeks
Clean skimmer and pump basketsOnce a week
Inspect and clean pool accessoriesOnce a month
Check and clean pool filterAs needed

By following this pool cleaning checklist and incorporating regular cleaning into your pool maintenance routine, you can ensure a sparkling clean pool all summer long. Remember to always use appropriate cleaning tools and products, and consult a professional if you encounter any issues or are unsure about any aspect of pool cleaning. With a clean and well-maintained pool, you can relax and enjoy the refreshing waters all summer.

The Importance of Maintaining Proper Water Levels in Your Pool

In order to keep your pool clean and well-maintained during the summer months, it is crucial to maintain proper water levels. This not only ensures optimal filtration, but also helps prevent the growth of algae and bacteria that can thrive in stagnant water. With high temperatures, evaporation can occur rapidly, causing water levels to drop. Therefore, it is important to regularly check your pool’s water levels and take appropriate measures to maintain them.

One of the simplest ways to maintain proper water levels is by regularly topping up your pool with a hose. This helps compensate for water loss due to evaporation, backwashing, and splashing. By monitoring your water levels and adding water as needed, you can ensure that your pool remains at the optimal level for filtration and circulation.

Another effective method to minimize water loss is by using a pool cover when the pool is not in use. A pool cover not only reduces evaporation, but also helps retain heat, preventing unnecessary heat loss and reducing the need for additional heating. It acts as a barrier, protecting your pool from external elements such as debris, leaves, and insects, thereby reducing the need for frequent skimming and cleaning.

Benefits of Maintaining Proper Water Levels:

  • Optimal filtration and circulation: Proper water levels ensure that your pool’s filtration system functions efficiently, removing debris and contaminants effectively.
  • Prevention of algae and bacteria growth: Stagnant water provides a conducive environment for the growth of algae and bacteria. By maintaining proper water levels, you can minimize the risk of these issues.
  • Reduced need for frequent cleaning and skimming: Adequate water levels help prevent debris and leaves from settling at the bottom of the pool, reducing the need for constant cleaning and skimming.
  • Improved water clarity and quality: Optimal water levels contribute to better water clarity, allowing you and your family to enjoy a clean and inviting swimming experience.
  • Cost savings: By taking proactive measures to maintain proper water levels, you can reduce water loss through evaporation, leading to cost savings in water usage.

In conclusion, maintaining proper water levels in your pool is essential for effective pool maintenance during the summer. By regularly monitoring and topping up your pool’s water levels, as well as utilizing a pool cover, you can ensure optimal filtration, prevent the growth of algae and bacteria, and enjoy a clean and inviting swimming pool all summer long.

Shock Your Pool

Occasionally, despite your best efforts, your pool’s chemistry may become imbalanced, leading to cloudy water or unpleasant odors. In such cases, it’s important to shock your pool to restore the water balance and ensure a safe swimming environment. Shocking your pool involves adding a large dose of chlorine or a non-chlorine shock treatment to eliminate contaminants and restore crystal-clear water.

To determine if your pool needs shocking, test the chlorine and pH levels using a reliable pool testing kit. If the chlorine level is low or the pH level is outside the recommended range, it’s time to shock your pool. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the shock product for the correct dosage based on your pool’s volume.

When shocking your pool, it’s best to do it at night to prevent chlorine depletion due to sunlight. This allows the shock treatment to work effectively without interference. Remember to keep the pool pump running for several hours after shocking to circulate the water and distribute the shock evenly.

Avoid Swimming After Shocking

After shocking your pool, it’s important to wait until the chlorine level returns to a safe range before swimming. This typically takes several hours, but it’s best to test the water using a pool testing kit to ensure adequate levels of chlorine. Swimming too soon after shocking can cause skin and eye irritation.

Regularly shocking your pool as part of your summer pool care routine will help maintain clean and clear water, eliminate bacteria, algae, and other contaminants. It’s an essential step to keep your pool safe and enjoyable for everyone.


Proper pool maintenance in summer is crucial for keeping your pool clean, safe, and ready for swimming. By following these summer pool maintenance tips, you can ensure a sparkling clean pool all summer long. Daily skimming, regular water testing, and proper cleaning are key to maintaining a healthy pool environment.

Remember to address any damages promptly. If you notice cracks or other issues with your pool equipment, seek professional help to prevent further damage. Taking care of your pool will provide a hassle-free swimming experience for you and your family.

So, enjoy your summer pool care routine and make use of these pool cleaning hacks to keep your pool in top shape. With a little effort and regular maintenance, you can create a clean and inviting swimming environment to beat the summer heat.


How often should I skim my pool in summer?

It is recommended to skim your pool every day to remove leaves and debris that can unbalance your water chemistry and stain your pool.

Why is testing and balancing water chemistry important in summer?

Increased pool usage in summer can lead to unbalanced water chemistry and cloudy or contaminated water. Regularly testing and adjusting the chemicals in your pool is essential to maintain proper sanitation and prevent cloudy water.

How frequently should I empty the skimmer and pump baskets?

It is important to regularly empty the skimmer and pump baskets to prevent water flow issues, cloudy water, and algae growth. Make it a habit to empty these baskets and hose them if necessary.

When should I rinse or backwash my pool filter?

You should regularly check the pressure gauge on your filter and rinse your pool cartridge filter or backwash your pool media filter if the pressure reading is 10 PSI or more above the normal reading.

How do I clean my pool effectively?

To remove microparticles that may not be picked up by skimmers and filters, brush the pool surfaces and use a manual pool vacuum to suck up the debris. Consider investing in a robotic cleaner for faster and hands-free cleaning.

How do I maintain proper water levels in summer?

Water levels can drop due to evaporation, backwashing, and splashing. Check your water levels regularly and top up with a hose if necessary. Using a pool cover when the pool is not in use can significantly reduce evaporation.

When should I shock my pool?

If your pool chemistry becomes imbalanced and normal chemical balancing is not enough, you may need to shock your pool. Test your chlorine and pH levels, and if necessary, shock your pool according to the instructions provided. Consider using a non-chlorine shock for effective sanitation before a pool party.

How can I ensure a clean and safe swimming environment in summer?

By following these summer pool maintenance tips, such as daily skimming, regular water testing, and proper cleaning, you can keep your pool clean, safe, and ready for swimming all summer long.

What should I do if I notice any damages to my pool?

Promptly address any damages to your pool and seek professional help if needed. Taking care of your pool will ensure a hassle-free swimming experience for you and your family.

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