Your Guide on How to Clean a Pool Cover Easily and Effectively

Cleaning and maintaining your pool cover is essential for keeping your pool clean and safe. Solar pool covers, which absorb the sun’s energy to heat the pool water, are a popular choice for their benefits and ease of maintenance. To clean a solar pool cover, start by removing debris and hosing it down. For stubborn dirt, use a gentle brush and scrub the areas thoroughly. Washing with mild detergent and rinsing off the detergent is recommended for more thorough cleaning.

In this guide, we provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean your pool cover effectively. We also offer some tips on how to maintain and store your pool cover properly to ensure its longevity.

Key Takeaways

  • Cleaning your pool cover regularly is essential for maintaining a clean and safe pool
  • Solar pool covers are easy to clean and maintain
  • Remove debris and hose down the cover regularly
  • For stubborn dirt, use a gentle brush and mild detergent for a more thorough clean
  • Proper storage is crucial to protect the cover from damage

Types of Pool Covers

One common and popular type of pool cover is the solar pool cover. These covers are cost-effective and have many benefits, such as heating the pool water and regulating the chemical balance. Cleaning a solar pool cover involves removing debris, hosing it down, gently scrubbing stubborn dirt, washing with mild detergent, and rinsing thoroughly.

Another type of pool cover is the automatic pool cover, which remains attached to the pool and requires regular cleaning to remove debris. It can be cleaned using a leaf blower or a broom, or by hosing it down if it is wet. It is also important to clean out the box, spray off the tracks, and check the motor annually.

Tarp pool covers, on the other hand, are simpler to clean and can be done by spraying them off with a hose. Stains can be treated with soap and water, and the cover can be folded and stored in a bag or a storage container with a lid.

Designer pool covers are also available and provide an aesthetically pleasing option for those who want their pool to look visually appealing. These covers are typically custom-made to fit the pool’s exact measurements and can come in a variety of colours and patterns.

Regardless of the type of pool cover you choose, it is important to properly maintain and clean it to ensure it lasts and protects your pool for years to come.

How to Clean a Solar Pool Cover

Cleaning and maintaining a solar pool cover is essential for keeping your pool clean, maintaining water quality, and extending its lifespan. To clean a solar pool cover, follow these general steps:

  1. Remove debris: Start by removing any leaves or debris from the surface of the pool cover.
  2. Hose it down: Use a garden hose to wash away any dirt or grime that’s stuck on the cover.
  3. Gently scrub: For stubborn dirt, use a gentle brush to scrub the cover and remove any remaining stains.
  4. Wash with mild detergent: For a deeper cleaning, mix mild detergent with water and wash the cover using a sponge or cloth. Avoid doing this while the cover is in the pool.
  5. Rinse: Thoroughly rinse off the detergent to prevent any residue from forming.

Maintenance Tips for Solar Pool Covers:

Designer pool covers provide an elegant way of keeping your pool clean. But to keep them that way, they need proper care. Here are some maintenance tips to increase the lifespan and quality of your solar pool cover:

  1. Protect against sunlight: When the pool cover is not in use, shield it from direct sunlight or store it away from sunlight to prevent deterioration.
  2. Proper storage: After cleaning, let the cover dry completely before folding and storing it. Fold it into four-foot widths and roll it from one end to prevent creases. Store it in a shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Keep it clean: Preventing the cover from getting dirty in the first place is ideal. Avoid contact with grass, dirt, and trim trees that may cause leaves to fall directly on the cover.
  4. Maintain chemical levels: Unbalanced chemical levels in the pool water can degrade the solar cover quickly. Maintain the right chemical levels and remove the cover if the pool is super chlorinated.
  5. Repair damages: If you notice any tears or damage on the cover, repair them immediately using a repair kit.
  6. Winter protection: Solar pool covers are not suitable for winter conditions. Use a winter-specific pool cover to protect your pool during the winter season.

By following these steps and maintenance tips, you can keep your solar pool cover clean, well-maintained, and extend its lifespan.

Step 1: Remove Debris

Cleaning and maintaining a pool cover is essential for keeping your pool clean and safe. The first step in this process is to remove debris from the pool cover. This may include leaves and other objects that have blown onto the surface of the cover.

Use a leaf blower, broom, or simply sweep off any leaves or debris that may have accumulated on the surface. If the cover is wet, you can use a hose to spray off any stubborn spots. Once the debris is cleared, the cover is ready for further cleaning and maintenance.

It is important to regularly remove debris from the surface of the pool cover to prevent stains and make cleaning easier. This is especially true if you’ve invested in designer pool covers that are meant to not only serve a functional purpose but also enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your outdoor area.

Step 2: Hose Down the Cover

Designer pool covers require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in good condition. One of the most important steps in maintaining and cleaning your pool cover is to hose it down regularly. This will help loosen and remove any stubborn dirt or grime that is stuck on it.

Start by removing any debris from the surface of the cover using a hose. This will help prevent the formation of stains and dirt buildup. If there are stubborn dirt spots, gently scrub them with a soft-bristled brush to loosen the dirt. For a more thorough cleaning, use a mild detergent and rinse off the cover afterwards.

It is crucial to rinse off any detergent residue to prevent the formation of white films or grime on the cover. Additionally, there are maintenance tips for solar pool covers, such as keeping them away from sunlight and maintaining the right chemical levels in the pool water. It is also important to repair any damages immediately and not leave the cover out during the winter season to prevent damage.

When storing the pool cover, ensure it is completely dry before folding it into four-foot widths and rolling it up. Store it in a shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular cleaning and deep cleaning are recommended to keep the pool cover in good condition. Finally, when storing the pool cover at the end of the season, clean it well, let it dry completely, fold it properly, and place it off the ground to prevent water damage.

Step 3: Scrub Stubborn Dirt or Stains

Cleaning and maintaining your pool cover is essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness in keeping your pool clean. There are several steps you can follow to scrub away stubborn dirt or stains:

  1. Remove Debris: Begin by removing any debris from the surface of the cover. This can be done by using a leaf blower or a broom to sweep away leaves, sticks, and other debris.
  2. Hose it Down: After removing the debris, hose down the cover with water to remove any dirt that is stuck on it.
  3. Scrub Gently: If there are still stubborn dirt or stains on the cover, you will need to use a gentle brush to scrub those areas thoroughly. Be careful not to use a brush with hard bristles as it may damage the cover.
  4. Wash With Mild Detergent: For a more thorough cleaning, you can use a mild detergent to wash the cover. However, make sure not to do this while the cover is in the pool. Washing it with detergent will help prevent dirt from sticking to the surface and keep the cover clean for a longer period.
  5. Rinse: After washing, rinse off the detergent from the cover to remove any residue. This step is crucial to prevent the buildup of white films or grime on the cover surface.

In addition to cleaning the pool cover, it is important to know how to properly maintain it. Here are some maintenance tips for solar pool covers:

  • Keep it away from sunlight: Protect the solar pool cover from UV rays by keeping it away from direct sunlight or shielding it with a protective cover when not in use.
  • Store it properly: Let the solar pool cover dry completely before folding and storing it. Store it in a shaded and protected area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a solar roller, use it to roll up and store the cover in a shaded area.
  • Avoid getting it dirty: To keep the cover in pristine condition, prevent it from coming into contact with grass, dirt, and leaves. Trim trees that may cause leaves to fall directly onto the cover.
  • Maintain the right chemical levels: Unbalanced chemical levels in the pool water can cause the solar pool cover to degrade quickly. Ensure the proper chemical balance in your pool to prevent damage to the cover.
  • Repair damages immediately: If you notice tears or damages on the cover, repair them promptly to prevent them from worsening. Keep a repair kit handy for quick fixes.
  • Do not leave it out during winter: Solar pool covers are not ideal for winter conditions. Use a winter-specific pool cover that can withstand harsh winter weather instead.

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively scrub away stubborn dirt or stains from your pool cover and ensure its longevity and functionality. Remember to clean and store the cover properly to keep it in good condition for years to come.

Step 4: Wash the Cover with Mild Detergent

To clean your Designer Pool covers, start by removing any debris such as leaves or dirt. Hose it down to remove any remaining dirt and use a gentle brush to scrub stubborn areas.

Step 4: For more in-depth cleaning, wash the cover with a mild detergent. However, make sure to do this while the cover is not in the pool.

Washing the cover with a mild detergent will give it a more thorough clean. When doing this, ensure your pool cover is not in the pool, as this can contaminate the water.

After applying the detergent, rinse off all the soap to prevent it from leaving a white film on the surface. If not rinsed off properly, detergent can also lead to grime buildup on the cover over time.

Remember, proper maintenance of your pool cover is important to prolong its lifespan. Keep it away from sunlight to prevent deterioration from UV rays and store it in a shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit when not in use.

Trim trees and prevent direct contact with grass and dirt to avoid getting it dirty. Additionally, ensure that you maintain the correct chemical levels in your pool to prevent degradation of the cover.

If you notice any damages, it is best to repair them immediately to prevent them from getting worse. Lastly, remove the solar pool cover during winter as it is not suitable for harsh winter conditions.

Cleaning and storing your Designer Pool cover properly will help prolong its lifespan and allow you to enjoy its benefits for a longer period.

Step 5: Rinse off the Detergent

Step 5: Rinse off the detergent thoroughly to remove any residue. This is an important step as leaving detergent residue on the cover can lead to white films and eventually develop into nasty grime.

To rinse off the detergent, use a hose or spray nozzle to spray clean water over the cover. Ensure that every part of the cover is rinsed properly, removing any leftover soap residue.

Rinsing off the detergent is an important part of maintaining the cleanliness and longevity of your pool cover. By following this step, you can enjoy the benefits of your solar pool cover for an extended period.

Additional tips for maintaining your pool cover include keeping it away from direct sunlight when not in use, storing it properly in a dry and shaded area, avoiding contact with grass and dirt, maintaining the right chemical levels in your pool water, repairing any damages immediately, and not leaving the cover out during the winter season.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your pool cover remains in pristine condition and effectively protects your pool from debris and other contaminants. Designer Pool covers recommends regular maintenance and cleaning for your pool cover to ensure it stays in top condition.

Pool Cover Maintenance Tips

While knowing how to clean your pool cover is important, maintaining it is equally crucial for its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some maintenance tips for solar pool covers:


Step 1To clean a solar pool cover, start by removing debris such as leaves from the surface. Hose it down to remove dirt, and scrub any stubborn dirt with a gentle brush. Wash with mild detergent and rinse off the detergent afterward.
Step 2Regular cleaning of the pool cover involves wetting it down and scrubbing away dirt or debris with a brush or low-pressure washer. For vinyl pool covers, clean with a mild soap and water solution or vinyl cleaner.
Step 3Deep cleaning is necessary every few months to remove tough stains or build-up. Soak the cover in a solution of water and bleach, scrub with a brush, and rinse thoroughly afterwards.


  • Keep it away from sunlight when not in use to prevent deterioration.
  • Store it properly by letting it dry completely before folding it into four-foot widths and rolling it up.
  • Store it in a shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Avoid contact with grass and dirt to prevent dirt build-up.
  • Trim trees that may cause leaves to fall directly onto the cover.
  • Maintain the right chemical levels in your pool to prevent degradation of the solar pool cover. If the pool is super chlorinated, remove the cover until chlorine levels are normal again.
  • Time your filtration system to circulate warm and cool water efficiently.
  • Repair any damages to the pool cover immediately using a repair kit.
  • Do not leave the solar pool cover out during the winter season as it is not suitable for harsh winter conditions.
  • Open the cover at least once a week to allow chlorine bi-products to evaporate and prevent corrosion.

Automatic Pool Covers:

To maintain automatic pool covers, use a leaf blower or broom to remove debris. Wet covers can be cleaned with a hose, and dirty water can be removed with a pool rake and cover pumps. Annually, clean out the cover box and spray off the tracks.

Tarp Pool Covers:

For tarp pool covers, simply spray off the tarp with a hose and wipe off stains with soap and water if necessary.

These maintenance tips will help you keep your pool cover clean and in good condition, ensuring its effectiveness and longevity. Remember, proper maintenance of your Designer Pool covers is key to enjoying a clean and healthy pool all year round.

Storing Your Pool Cover

Designer pool covers can add both style and functionality to your pool area. Keeping your pool cover in good condition can also save you money in the long run by extending its lifespan. Storing your pool cover properly is an important part of this maintenance process.

After cleaning your pool cover, it is crucial to let it dry completely before storing. Any moisture left on the cover can lead to mildew and odours over time.

Folding the cover properly is also essential for its longevity. There are a few ways to fold a pool cover, depending on its size and shape. The most common method is to fold it in a 3-foot accordion style, with each fold stacked on top of the previous one.

It is important to place your pool cover in a protected and shaded area with temperatures below 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Direct sunlight and high temperatures can cause damage to the cover and its material.

Prevention is key to keeping your pool cover in good shape. Avoid getting the cover dirty and maintain the right chemical levels in your pool. Repairing any damages immediately and using a winter-specific pool cover during the off-season can also help prolong the life of your pool cover.

Regular maintenance and cleaning, such as removing debris and using a mild detergent or cleaning solution, can keep your pool cover in good condition. Additionally, for automatic pool covers, cleaning the cover with a leaf blower or hose and checking the motor annually are necessary. Tarp pool covers can be cleaned with a hose and soap, and they should be stored in a bag or storage container with a lid.

Overall, proper care and storage of your pool cover will ensure its effectiveness and durability. With these pool cover storage tips, you can keep your pool area looking great and enjoy your pool cover for many seasons to come.

Conclusion: Keep Your Designer Pool Cover Clean and Maintained

Cleaning and maintaining your pool cover regularly will help extend its lifespan and keep it in good condition for years. A well-maintained pool cover ensures a clean and enjoyable swimming experience. Whether you have a solar pool cover, an automatic pool cover or a tarp pool cover, following these steps can help ensure your pool cover remains effective and durable.

It is essential to keep your pool cover clean and free of debris. The first step is removing debris from the surface of your pool cover. Hose it down with water to remove dirt and grime. Scrub any stubborn dirt or stains with a gentle brush and mild detergent, then rinse off any detergent residue. Once cleaned, store your pool cover in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Pool Cover Maintenance Tips

Beyond regular cleaning, it is important to maintain your pool cover. Firstly, keep the right chemical levels in your pool so that chemicals do not damage your pool cover. Secondly, trim trees around your pool to prevent leaves from falling on the pool cover. Thirdly, repair any damages immediately. Lastly, store your pool cover at the end of the season by cleaning it thoroughly, letting it dry completely, folding it properly, and storing it in a cool, dry place.

Designer Pool covers are an investment in your pool and overall home design. By following these tips, you can keep your pool cover clean and in good condition for an extended period, ensuring a beautiful and clean pool for years to come.


Q: Why is cleaning a pool cover important?

A: Cleaning your pool cover is important because a dirty pool cover can harbor bacteria and algae, which can be harmful to swimmers. Regular cleaning helps maintain a clean and healthy pool environment.

Q: How often should I clean my pool cover?

A: It is recommended to clean your pool cover at least once a month to remove dirt and debris. However, regular maintenance tasks such as removing debris and hosing down the cover should be done more frequently.

Q: Can I use harsh chemicals to clean my pool cover?

A: It is best to avoid using harsh chemicals on your pool cover as they can damage the cover material. Stick to mild detergents and gentle cleaning methods to ensure the longevity of your pool cover.

Q: Can I leave my pool cover out during the winter season?

A: Solar pool covers are not ideal for the winter season. It is recommended to use a winter-specific pool cover that can withstand the harsh winter conditions and protect your pool.

Q: How should I store my pool cover?

A: After cleaning, let the pool cover dry completely before folding and storing it. Store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, and use a pool cover storage bag or container with a lid to protect it from dirt and dust.

What Are the Best Techniques for Cleaning a Pool Safety Cover?

When it comes to cleaning pool safety covers, there are a few techniques that can be highly effective. Firstly, using a soft brush or broom, gently remove any loose debris such as leaves or dirt. Next, rinse the cover with a hose to remove surface dirt. For more stubborn stains, use a mild soap solution and scrub with a sponge. Lastly, ensure the cover is completely dry before storing it to prevent mold or mildew. Regular cleaning pool safety covers will help prolong their lifespan and ensure a safe swimming environment.

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