plastic pool covers

Are you tired of constantly cleaning your swimming pool? Fact is, plastic pool covers can significantly reduce debris and conserve water at the same time. This blog post will guide you through different types of plastic pool covers, their benefits, and how to maintain them for longevity.

Read on to uncover smart ways to keep your pool clean and safe!

Key Takeaways

  • Plastic pool covers, such as thermal blankets and safety covers, can help keep your swimming pool clean by preventing debris from falling in.
  • These covers also offer energy savings by retaining heat and reducing evaporation, resulting in lower heating costs.
  • Using a plastic pool cover is an important safety measure for families with children and pets, as it helps prevent accidents and drowning incidents.

Types of Plastic Pool Covers

A serene pool with people of different appearances and outfits.

There are various types of plastic pool covers available, including thermal blankets, pet and child safety covers, PoolDeck slatted automatic pool covers, automatic vinyl safety covers, and solid safety pool covers.

Thermal Blankets

Thermal blankets are great for your pool. They have tiny air pockets that keep out heat loss. One good kind is the Daisy Pool Blanket. It turns sun power into pool heat and stops heat from getting lost.

It also helps to save 75% of the heat that gets lost when water changes into vapour. Thermal blankets, made from plastic that can stand up to UV rays, hold in the pool’s warmth very well.

They are a smart choice if you want to cut down on your heating bills for your pool.

Pet and Child Safety Covers

Safety pool covers are key for houses with pets and kids. They are solid covers made from PVC materials. These durable covers can take up to 150 pounds of weight. Strong aluminium battens keep the cover in place.

Stainless steel ratchets help lock the cover firmly. The goal is to stop any child or pet slipping into the water by mistake. This makes them a top choice for family homes across the globe.

PoolDeck Slatted Automatic Pool Covers

PoolDeck slatted automatic pool covers are made for all pools. They come in many sizes and have a sleek, modern look. The best part is, you can get them solar-powered too! These covers float on the water making the pool safer.

PoolDeck slatted covers are durable and long-lasting, offering strong protection for your pool.

Automatic Vinyl Safety Covers

Automatic vinyl safety covers are great for your pool. They are made of strong vinyl material. These heavy-duty pool covers keep your water safe and clean. You can open and close them with ease, thanks to an automatic roll-up system.

The covers come with special locks for extra safety. They do a fine job at blocking out leaves, debris, and critters from harming your pool too!

Solid Safety Pool Covers

Solid safety pool covers are great for your swimming pool. They keep out leaves and other dirt. So, you won’t have to clean your pool too often. These covers also stop water from getting lost through evaporation.

When the cold months set in, these covers are perfect for winterizing your pool. You save on water, power, and chemicals with solid safety pool covers on your pool! Plus, depending on their quality, they can last a long time! Did you know they cost between $1,200 – $3,000? But it’s worth it because they make your pool look good while keeping it safe.

Benefits of Plastic Pool Covers

Sparkling pool with diverse people surrounded by lush greenery.

Plastic pool covers offer several benefits, including energy savings, reduced evaporation, a clean and debris-free pool, as well as safety for children and pets.

Energy savings

Plastic pool covers are great for keeping energy bills down. They keep heat in the pool, saving power and money. Covers stop up to 95% of water from leaving the pool by turning into gas.

This keeps your indoor pools warm without extra heating. Using a cover cuts down on energy use by 50% to 70%. With less power used, there’s more care for our earth too!

Reduced evaporation

Using a plastic pool cover cuts down on water loss. It stops up to 95% of evaporation from your pool. This way, you use less water and save money too. Plus, it helps keep the heat in so the water stays warm.

So not only does a plastic cover make pool maintenance easier, but it also boosts energy efficiency. It is an easy step for better water management and less environmental impact.

Clean and debris-free pool

Using a plastic pool cover can help keep your pool clean and free of debris. By covering the pool when it’s not in use, you can prevent dirt, leaves, and other unwanted particles from falling into the water.

This means less time spent on cleaning and removing debris from the pool. With a clean and debris-free pool, you can enjoy swimming without worrying about dirt or grime floating around.

Additionally, keeping your pool covered also reduces evaporation, saving you time and money on refilling the water. So by using a plastic pool cover, you can maintain a hygienic and inviting swimming environment while enjoying cost savings in terms of both cleaning supplies and water usage.

Safety for children and pets

Pool covers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of children and pets around swimming pools. These covers provide an added layer of protection, preventing accidents and potential drowning incidents.

With strong and sturdy PVC pool covers, the risk of falling into the pool is eliminated, making it safe for both kids and pets. It’s important to note that floating swimming pool covers are not considered safety devices for children or pets.

Therefore, opting for designer pool covers specifically designed for safety ensures that your little ones and furry friends are protected from any potential hazards near the pool area.

Understanding PVC in Pool Covers

Solid PVC pool covers are made of a durable and strong type of PVC material. These heavy-duty pool covers can withstand heavy debris or snow accumulation, making them ideal for areas with such conditions.

Although the initial cost of solid PVC pool covers may be higher, they offer long-term durability and savings on maintenance.

One important benefit of solid PVC pool covers is that they serve as a barrier to keep the water in the pool clear and free from debris. This promotes water conservation by reducing evaporation and the need for frequent pool cleaning.

Additionally, these pool covers can help prevent algae growth by blocking out sunlight.

In summary, understanding PVC in pool covers is crucial because it allows you to choose a cover that is durable, strong, and resistant to debris or snow accumulation. Solid PVC pool covers provide long-lasting protection for your swimming pool while also conserving water and preventing algae growth.

Maintenance and Durability of Plastic Pool Covers

Proper cleaning and storage are essential for maintaining the durability of plastic pool covers.

Proper cleaning and storage

To keep your plastic pool covers in good condition, it’s important to clean and store them properly. Here are some tips:

  • Thoroughly clean the covers before storing them using a soft brush and appropriate detergent.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the covers.
  • Rinse the covers with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  • Allow the covers to dry completely before folding or rolling them up for storage.
  • Store the covers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid exposing the covers to water or moisture during storage, as this can cause damage.
  • Regularly inspect the covers for any signs of wear or damage, and repair or replace them as needed.

Lifespan of plastic pool covers

The lifespan of plastic pool covers can vary depending on the type. Simple tarps, which are a common option for temporary pool covers, typically last only 1-3 seasons before they start to wear out.

On the other hand, solid vinyl security covers have a longer lifespan of 6-10 years if properly maintained. Automatic pool covers can last even longer than solid vinyl security covers, while mesh security covers have an average lifespan of 10-15 years.

Bubble pool covers have a limited lifespan that is usually around 50-125% of their expected lifespan, and this can be affected by how well they are taken care of.


Plastic pool covers are a great investment for any pool owner. They come in different types, including thermal blankets and safety covers for children and pets. These covers provide benefits such as energy savings, reduced evaporation, and keeping the pool clean.

It’s important to understand PVC in pool covers and properly maintain them for durability. Plastic pool covers can be found at various retailers like Makro and Builders Warehouse. Protect your pool with a plastic cover today!


1. How do plastic pool covers work?

Plastic pool covers act as a barrier to prevent debris from entering the pool and help retain heat, reducing water evaporation.

2. Are plastic pool covers easy to install?

Yes, plastic pool covers are generally easy to install. They typically come with fastening mechanisms or straps that secure them in place.

3. Can I use a plastic pool cover year-round?

Plastic pool covers can be used year-round but are particularly beneficial during off-seasons when the pool is not in use regularly.

4. Do plastic pool covers save money on heating costs?

Yes, using a plastic pool cover can help reduce heating costs by preventing heat loss through evaporation and helping maintain water temperature.

5. Can children or pets walk on top of a plastic pool cover?

It is not safe for children or pets to walk on top of a plastic pool cover as it may cause it to tear or collapse into the water, posing a drowning hazard.

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