Prevent Pool Cover Drooping: Learn How to Keep Pool Cover from Sagging

Pool covers are an essential tool for keeping dirt, leaves, and other debris out of your pool. However, over time, these pool covers can sag, allowing unwanted objects to enter the pool while in use. To prevent pool cover drooping, it’s important to take several measures and ensure regular maintenance.

Some common causes of pool cover drooping include snow accumulation, debris and leaves on the pool cover, a low water level, and poor installation. By identifying the causes of pool cover sag, you can take proactive steps to prevent it from happening.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular maintenance is essential for preventing pool covers from drooping.
  • Common causes of sagging pool covers include snow accumulation, debris and leaves on the pool cover, a low water level, and poor installation.
  • To prevent sagging, you can keep the center of the cover higher than the edges, secure the outer edge with heavy objects, adjust sagging as soon as you notice it, use a portable pool cover pump, or even build your own cover support structure.

Causes of Pool Cover Drooping

Designer pool covers are an essential investment for any pool owner. They provide numerous benefits, such as reducing water evaporation, keeping debris and leaves out of the pool, and maintaining the pool’s temperature. However, pool cover sagging is a common issue that many pool owners face. Sagging can be caused by several factors, including snow accumulation, debris and leaves, low water levels, improper installation, and torn covers. In this section, we will discuss each of these factors in more detail, along with pool cover support methods, care techniques, and maintenance hacks that you can use to prevent sagging and keep your pool cover in pristine condition.

Weight of Snow and Ice

One of the main causes of pool cover drooping is the weight of snow and ice on top of the cover. Snow can be particularly problematic, especially if it is in the form of ice crystals, which are more difficult to remove than regular snowflakes. The weight of the snow can cause the pool cover to sag, leading to potential damage. To prevent snow from accumulating on your cover, it is recommended to remove it regularly using a pool cover pump or a broom. This will prevent the weight of the snow from causing sagging and ensure that your pool cover remains intact.

Debris and Leaves

Another common cause of pool cover droopingis the weight of debris and leaves. When these items accumulate on your cover, they can add significant weight that can cause the cover to sag. In addition to sagging, excessive debris on the pool cover can also lead to the growth of algae, which can be difficult to remove. To prevent debris and leaves from weighing down your pool cover, it is recommended to remove them regularly using a leaf skimmer or a pool cover pump.

Low Water Levels

A low water level is another common culprit behind pool cover sagging. When there is not enough water in the pool, the cover can sag due to the lack of support from the water. One way to prevent this is to maintain the water level within the recommended range specified by the pool manufacturer. Additionally, it is recommended to adjust the water level gradually when opening the pool for the season or switching between different heating systems to prevent sudden changes that can lead to sagging.

Improper Installation

If your pool cover is not installed properly, it can also lead to pool cover drooping. For example, if there is too much tension on one side of the cover or not enough on the other, it can cause the cover to sag. To prevent this, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when installing your pool cover and ensure that it is secured properly on all sides.

Torn Pool Covers

A torn pool cover can also cause sagging, especially if there are multiple tears. When a cover is torn, it can no longer provide the necessary support to prevent sagging. To prevent this, it is recommended to fix small tears promptly before they become larger and more difficult to repair. Additionally, it is recommended to inspect your pool cover regularly to identify any tears or other damage before they cause sagging.

Weight of Debris and Leaves

Another common cause of pool cover drooping is the weight of debris and leaves on top of the cover. If not promptly removed, these objects can pull down on the pool cover, causing it to droop over time. Additionally, excessive debris on the pool cover can create an environment for algae growth as it restricts light penetration.

To avoid sagging pool covers, it is important to regularly clean the cover to prevent debris buildup. Removing debris promptly will prevent excess weight from pulling down on the cover. Designer pool covers can be particularly susceptible to sagging due to their fabric type, so regular cleaning is especially important.

Aside from cleaning, other pool cover maintenance tips can help prevent sagging. For example, it is recommended to keep the center of the cover higher than the edges to prevent water accumulation and sagging. Using heavy objects to secure the outer edge of the cover can also help distribute weight more evenly. It is important to address any sagging immediately to prevent long-term damage to the pool cover. Additionally, using a portable pool cover pump or building a support structure can help prevent sagging.

In summary, preventing sagging pool covers requires consistent maintenance and attention to detail. Regular cleaning, proper installation, and sizing, as well as fixing any issues promptly can all help prevent sagging. By following these pool cover maintenance hacks and tips, you can enjoy a functional and beautiful pool cover for years to come.

Low Water Levels

A low water level in the pool is also a frequent culprit behind pool cover sagging. During the adjustment period when the pool is opened, water levels may be low initially before stabilising. Additionally, switching between different heating systems can affect how quickly water levels return to normal. When the water level is low, the pool cover becomes vulnerable to sagging, allowing dirt, debris, and other unwanted objects into the pool.

To prevent pool cover drooping due to low water levels, you can try using heavy objects to secure the edges of the cover and keep the center of the cover higher than the edges. This will help distribute weight evenly and prevent sagging. If sagging is noticed, it should be adjusted immediately to prevent further damage. To prevent water from collecting on top of the pool cover, consider installing a cover pump to remove any excess water. Additionally, regularly checking the water level and adjusting as needed can help prevent pool cover drooping. Most importantly, learn about pool cover safety to ensure your pool cover is properly maintained and utilized to keep your pool safe and in good condition.

An alternative method for preventing pool cover sagging due to low water levels is to use a portable pool cover pump. These pumps are designed to remove excess water from the cover, preventing it from sagging and protecting the cover from damage.

Another option to prevent sagging is to build a support structure for the pool cover. This will help distribute weight more evenly, preventing sagging and protecting the cover from damage. Designer pool covers can provide support structure options and installation options.

Regular maintenance is also important in preventing pool cover sagging due to low water levels. Checking the water level regularly and adjusting it as necessary can help prevent sagging. Additionally, cleaning debris from the pool cover and repairing any tears or damage promptly can help prevent sagging and prolong the life of the cover.

Poor Installation Can Cause Sagging Pool Covers

Designer pool covers are an essential investment for any pool owner, as they help to protect the pool from debris, reduce water evaporation, and keep the water clean. However, a sagging pool cover can be a major problem, allowing debris to enter the pool and reducing the effectiveness of the cover. Poor installation is one of the main causes of sagging pool covers. If the cover is not installed properly and secure, snow and ice can accumulate on top and cause it to sag. It is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that the cover has about two inches of slack around the perimeter.

Improper cover design can also lead to uneven distribution of weight, resulting in sagging. A torn pool cover can also result in sagging if not repaired promptly. To prevent sagging, the center of the cover should be kept higher than the edges, and heavy objects like water blocks or bags can be used to secure the outer edge. Sagging should be adjusted as soon as it is noticed, and a portable pool cover pump can also be used. Building a support structure for the cover is another option.

Regular maintenance is also vital in preventing sagging. Checking the water level and fixing leaks promptly can prevent low water levels, which are another common culprit behind sagging. Overall, proper installation, maintenance, and timely repairs are essential to prevent poor installation and sagging of pool covers, ensuring that your pool remains clean and protected throughout the year.

Torn Pool Covers

As we have seen, torn pool covers can be a common problem that leads to pool cover drooping and the accumulation of debris in the pool. Torn pool covers can also contribute to sagging issues; even if a small tear is fixed, larger tears that have been ignored can cause the cover to sag over time. Preventing sagging caused by torn pool covers begins with proper maintenance.

First, be sure to inspect the pool cover regularly for any tears or holes. If you find any, patch them up right away with a pool cover repair kit or replace the cover entirely if the damage is too severe.

Second, make sure that the pool cover is properly sized and installed. If the cover is too small for the pool, it will not be able to hold the weight of debris or snow, leading to sagging and potential damage. Alternatively, if the cover is too large, it may sag due to the excess material.

Finally, avoid walking on the cover, as this can cause tears or holes. Instead, carefully remove any debris with a pool cover brush or leaf blower. Regular maintenance of the pool cover can help prevent sagging caused by tears and ensure that the cover remains in good condition for years to come. Additionally, when storing your pool cover during the off-season, make sure it is clean and dry to prevent mold and mildew from forming. Investing in a cover pump or siphon to remove standing water can also protect your pool cover from damage. Taking these steps to protect your pool cover will ultimately extend its lifespan and save you money in the long run.

By following these pool cover maintenance tips and preventing sagging caused by torn covers, you can ensure that your designer pool cover stays in excellent condition and your pool remains clean and debris-free.

Prevention Methods for Sagging Pool Covers

To prevent pool cover drooping, there are several steps you can take. Firstly, try to keep the centre of the cover higher than the edges. This can help prevent water from pooling on one side and causing sagging. You can also secure the outer edge of the pool cover with heavy objects, such as water blocks or bags, to hold it in place. When you notice sagging on the cover, adjust it right away to avoid further damage. Some other secure pool cover tips include regularly checking for tears or damage to the cover and repairing any issues promptly. Additionally, consider investing in a pool cover pump to remove excess water and prevent sagging. By following these tips, you can ensure that your pool cover remains secure and in good condition, prolonging its lifespan and effectiveness.

Another prevention method is building a pool cover support structure, which helps distribute weight evenly and prevent sagging. If you’re interested in this option, Designer Pool covers can help you build a custom support structure. Using a portable pool cover pump can also be helpful.

Weighing Down the Cover and Distributing Weight

Another way to prevent pool covers from sagging is by weighing them down. This can be done using proper installation and tension techniques as outlined by the manufacturer. Distributing weight evenly across the cover can also help prevent sagging.

Removing Debris and Leaves

Debris and leaves that accumulate on pool covers can be a significant contributor to sagging. Regularly removing trash and keeping the cover clean can help prevent this issue. Additionally, removing debris can help prevent the growth of algae and other harmful bacteria.

Other Causes of Sagging Pool Covers

In addition to debris and leaves, other causes of sagging pool covers include snow on the cover, low water levels, poor installation, and a torn cover. Regular maintenance such as checking water levels, fixing leaks, replacing old covers, and proper installation can help prevent sagging.

At Designer Pool covers, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and functional pool cover. By following these prevention methods and ensuring proper maintenance, you can keep your pool cover in top condition for years to come.

Building Your Own Support Structure

In some cases, building your own cover support structure can be an effective solution. Adding an extra pole across the centre of the pool can distribute the weight evenly and prevent sagging. Alternatively, you can use a pool pillow below the cover to help support it.

If you choose to build your own support structure, be sure to use sturdy materials that can withstand the weight of the cover and any debris that may accumulate. Consider using metal or PVC pipes for the frame, and attach them securely to the pool deck with clamps or screws.

Another option is to use heavy objects like sandbags or water bags to secure the outer edge of the cover. This can help prevent sagging caused by wind or other weather conditions.

Regular maintenance is key to preventing sagging as well. Check the water levels regularly and make sure they are at the correct level. Fix leaks promptly to prevent any excess water from accumulating on the cover. Be sure to use the correct size cover for your pool, as an ill-fitting cover can also contribute to sagging.

Overall, designer pool covers require regular maintenance and attention to prevent sagging. By following these pool cover maintenance tips and building your own support structure, you can simplify your life and prolong the lifespan of your pool cover.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent sagging pool covers, extending their lifespan and saving costs. Various factors contribute to pool cover sagging, including snow accumulation, debris and leaves on the cover, a low water level, poor installation, and a torn cover.

Checking the water level regularly and adjusting as necessary can help prevent low water level-related sagging. Additionally, fixing leaks promptly and repairing any tears in the cover will contribute to its longevity and prevent sagging. By undertaking these simple pool cover maintenance tips, any sagging can be addressed promptly, thus avoiding further damage.

Replacing an old pool cover and ensuring that the new one is the correct size can also prevent sagging. Building a support structure or weighing down the pool cover are further options to consider. Designer Pool Covers in South Africa may have more information on the various pool cover support methods.

By keeping the center of the pool cover higher than the edges, and securing the outer edge, sagging can be prevented. A portable pool cover pump can also be used, but regular maintenance remains key to preventing sagging and extending the lifespan of pool covers.


In conclusion, pool cover drooping can be a nuisance and cause potential damage to the pool area. But with a proper understanding of the causes of sagging and taking preventative measures, your pool cover can stay in great condition and provide the necessary protection.

One of the main factors responsible for sagging pool covers is debris and trash accumulation. To prevent this, ensure that you remove any debris on the cover regularly, especially after a windy day. Also, maintain a higher elevation at the center of the cover as this will prevent water accumulation.

Low water levels, improper installation, old or worn-out covers, and snow and ice accumulation are other factors responsible for sagging pool covers. Therefore, it is essential to carry out regular maintenance and fix any leaks or tears as soon as they occur.

In addition, you may consider building your own pool cover support structure or using a portable pool cover pump. If you’re in South Africa and in need of a cover for your pool, you should look into the options offered by Designer Pool Covers.

By taking these preventative measures, you can keep your pool cover from sagging and ensure its effectiveness in keeping your pool clean and safe. Remember to practice regular maintenance and check for any damage that may occur over time. By doing this, you can extend the lifespan of your cover and keep your pool area looking great.


Q: What causes pool covers to sag?

Pool cover drooping happens due to the weight of snow and ice, debris and leaves, low water levels, poor installation, and tears in the cover.

Q: How can I prevent pool cover sagging?

A: To prevent pool cover drooping, you can keep the center of the cover higher than the edges, secure the outer edge with heavy objects, adjust sagging promptly, and practice regular maintenance such as checking water levels and repairing any tears in the cover.

Q: What should I do if I notice sagging on my pool cover?

A: It is important to adjust any sagging on the pool cover as soon as you notice it to prevent irreversible damage. You can use a portable pool cover pump to keep the cover tight over the pool.

Q: Can I build my own support structure for the pool cover?

A: Yes, you can build your own support structure by adding an extra pole across the center of the pool. This will help distribute the weight evenly and prevent sagging.

Q: How often should I perform maintenance on my pool cover?

A: Regular maintenance is essential to prevent sagging. You should check the water level regularly, fix leaks promptly, and repair any tears in the cover to ensure its longevity and effectiveness.

What Are Some Affordable Ways to Prevent Pool Cover Drooping and Sagging?

There are several affordable pool covers prices that can help prevent drooping and sagging. Investing in a sturdy support system, such as cover pumps or cover reels, can help maintain the integrity of the pool cover. Regular maintenance and proper storage of the cover can also extend its lifespan.

Can Following the Step-by-Step Guide Help Prevent Pool Cover Drooping?

Following an open pool cover manually guide can certainly help prevent pool cover drooping. Step-by-step instructions provide valuable insights into the proper method to open the pool cover manually, ensuring it remains taut and free from sagging. By understanding and implementing these guidelines, pool owners can maintain their covers in optimal condition, preventing any unsightly or inconvenient drooping.

How Can a Pool Cover Help Prevent Drooping and Sagging?

Topquality pool covers in South Africa are essential for preventing drooping and sagging in your pool. These covers act as a protective barrier, shielding the water from external factors like dust, debris, and harsh weather conditions. By keeping the water clean and preventing evaporation, these pool covers help maintain the pool’s level, ensuring that it doesn’t droop or sag over time. Invest in a high-quality pool cover to effectively preserve your pool’s integrity.

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