Thinking of a Pool Cover? Reasons Why You Should Get One.

It is no surprise that every pool should have a cover. Designer Pool covers can provide numerous benefits for pool owners that range from safety and cleanliness to energy conservation and cost savings.

Key Takeaways

  • A pool cover is a valuable safety measure, particularly for households with children and pets.
  • Pool covers reduce energy loss from evaporation, thus saving you money on heating and water bills.
  • Covering your pool can keep debris out, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and cleaning.
  • Pool covers help maintain water temperature, allowing for year-round swimming.
  • Using a pool cover can significantly reduce chemical usage, saving you money and potential side effects.
  • Investing in a pool cover can lead to long-term cost savings due to reduced maintenance and energy costs.

Safety First: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Pets

Safety is the number one reason why a pool cover is so important. As a pool owner, it’s fundamental to ensure that your family members, guests, and pets are protected from accidental drowning. According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths worldwide, and an estimated 320 000 annual drowning deaths occur globally.

Having a pool cover is a simple and effective way to prevent such accidents from happening. Automatic pool covers provide an additional layer of protection by acting as safety barriers and isolating the pool from unauthorized access. Moreover, pool covers can support considerable weight, preventing children or pets from falling into the water. With the wide range of designer pool covers available in the market, you can opt for one that fits your style preferences and enhances the overall aesthetics of your pool.

In addition, pool covers offer a safer and more hygienic swimming environment. They block out debris and provide a cleaner water surface, eliminating the need for frequent cleaning and vacuuming. By keeping the pool covered, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidental falls or drowning, and promote a safer and healthier environment for swimmers.

Energy Conservation: Saving Money and the Environment

Energy conservation is another crucial factor to consider when it comes to maintaining a pool. Pool covers, particularly designer pool covers, are a great solution for reducing energy loss due to evaporation. By minimizing evaporation, pool covers reduce the need for frequent refilling and help retain warmer water temperatures when the pool is not in use, resulting in significant energy savings.

In addition to their energy-saving benefits, pool covers also keep out debris, making the pool clean and hygienic. Installing a pool cover is a cost-effective measure that saves money on opening, maintaining, and winterizing pools. Covering a pool also helps maintain the water temperature during the winter, reducing the cost of heating the pool.

Using a pool cover can also decrease the consumption of chemicals, as it prevents the accumulation of dirt and debris. By utilizing a pool cover, the overall cost of pool maintenance can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, pool covers play a vital role in water conservation as they prevent evaporation, which accounts for a significant portion of water loss in pools.

Designer pool covers are available in various shapes and sizes, and there are automatic options for easy installation and removal. Pool covers are a practical and effective way to conserve energy, save money, maintain a clean pool, and protect the environment, making them an essential investment for pool owners.

Cleanliness: Keeping Your Pool Spotless

Cleanliness is an obvious benefit of using a pool cover. Designer pool covers are an effective way to maintain a hygienic pool. By keeping out unwanted debris, a pool cover reduces the need for frequent cleaning and vacuuming, saving you time and effort. Leaves and twigs can also clog the pool’s filtration system, but a pool cover prevents this from happening, extending the lifespan of your pool filters.

Regular pool maintenance requires the use of chemicals such as chlorine to keep the water clean and free of bacteria. However, using a pool cover reduces the amount of chemicals required, leading to cost savings and a more environmentally friendly pool. With regular use, a pool cover can also help to maintain the temperature of the water during winter, allowing you to swim year-round without increasing energy consumption.

Modern pool covers are user-friendly and come in various options to fit different pool sizes and shapes. Automatic pool covers offer additional benefits, including durability, ease of use, savings on water and energy costs, and most importantly, safety. By investing in a pool cover, you can ensure the longevity of your pool while keeping it hygienic and spotless.

Keeps Your Pool Clean and Hygienic

Keeping your pool covered is essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic swimming environment. Pool covers offer multiple benefits to pool owners by preventing debris from entering the water and reducing the need for cleaning and vacuuming. In addition to these reasons, there are several others as to why owning a pool cover is important.

Benefits of Pool Covers:
Prevents debris from entering the pool: A well-fitted pool cover helps keep leaves, twigs, and other debris out of the water, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and vacuuming.
Increases lifespan of pool filters: By preventing debris from entering the pool, the lifespan of pool filters can be extended, saving you money on maintenance costs.
Maintains water quality: A pool cover helps prevent algae growth, reducing the need for chemicals and promoting clean and hygienic water for swimming.

Investing in a designer pool cover that fits the shape and aesthetic of your pool can further enhance its benefits. Designer pool covers are not only functional but also visually appealing, seamlessly blending with the surrounding landscape. Plus, automatic pool covers offer added convenience and ease of use. By simply pressing a button, you can cover or uncover your pool for swimming, resulting in substantial savings on water, chemicals, and heating expenses over time.

“Designer pool covers offer more than just aesthetic appeal; they provide a practical solution to pool owners looking to keep their pool clean, safe, and energy-efficient.”

By covering your pool, you can also decrease chemical consumption and save money on maintenance. Additionally, pool covers provide an added safety measure by preventing accidental falling or drowning. Keeping your pool covered not only protects your loved ones and pets but also extends the lifespan of your pool, making it a smart investment for any pool owner.

Maintains Water Temperature During Winter

One of the benefits of investing in a pool cover from Designer Pool Covers is that it helps to maintain the temperature of the water during winter. Leaving a pool open during cold nights or winter results in lowered water temperature, making it less enjoyable for swimming. However, covering the pool with a durable and high-quality pool cover retains heat in the water. This allows for year-round swimming and a consistent pool temperature, even during the colder months.

The performance of a pool cover can be greatly enhanced by using a cover reel to easily roll it on and off the pool. Not only does the cover reel help in extending the lifespan of the cover, but it also helps to ease the installation and maintenance process.

Aside from allowing for year-round swimming, covering the pool during the evening helps to keep the water warm for the following day. Instead of losing all the heat at night when the temperatures drop, using a pool cover helps to retain the heat in the water, leading to significant cost savings on heating. With Designer Pool Covers, you can be sure to receive a high-quality pool cover that will help to maintain your pool’s temperature during winter and extend its lifespan.

Saves on Pool Cover Cost and Maintenance

A pool cover from Designer Pool covers can save you significant amounts of money in the long run. The initial investment in a pool cover may seem daunting, but it will ultimately help reduce your pool maintenance costs and chemical consumption.

Maintaining a pool requires regular cleaning, and this can be a time-consuming and costly task. By using a pool cover, you can keep debris and leaves out of your pool, meaning you won’t have to clean it as often. This can save you time, effort, and money. The reduced need for cleaning also helps to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your pool, ensuring it remains a safe and healthy environment for your family and friends.

Additionally, a pool cover helps to reduce the rate of water evaporation, meaning you’ll have to refill your pool less often. Less water replacement means fewer chemicals are required to keep the pool clean, resulting in lower chemical consumption and expenses. By reducing chemical use, a pool cover also helps to preserve the environment. Therefore, investing in a pool cover can lead to significant savings in terms of chemical consumption and maintenance expenses.

Designer Pool covers can help you select the right cover for your specific needs and budget. Our pool covers are durable, made from top-quality materials and are easy to install, operate, and maintain. Installing a pool cover from Designer Pool covers can be a smart and savvy financial decision that will benefit you and your pool in the long run.

Prevents Accidental Falling or Drowning

Designer pool covers are essential in preventing accidental falling or drowning. Firstly, a pool cover acts as a safety barrier, protecting children and animals from falling into the pool. This is particularly important for families with young children or pets that may be unaware of the potential dangers of an uncovered pool. By covering the pool when not in use, the risk of accidents can be significantly reduced.

In addition to providing a safety barrier, pool covers help to retain warmth and energy, reducing the need for heating and minimizing evaporation. This not only saves money but also reduces the risk of accidental drowning. By maintaining the water temperature, swimmers are less likely to experience shock or discomfort, making for a more enjoyable experience.

Furthermore, a covered pool stays clean and hygienic as it keeps out debris and reduces the need for chemicals. This is a significant benefit for those who are environmentally conscious, as it reduces the amount of chemicals that are released into the water and the air. Additionally, maintaining a covered pool is cost-effective as it reduces maintenance expenses such as water refill, chemical use, and cleaning. By using a pool cover, pool owners can save money on maintenance costs while also reducing their carbon footprint.

Lastly, an automatic pool cover offers convenience, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making it an ideal choice for pool owners. With the simple push of a button, pool covers can be easily opened or closed, offering a seamless pool experience. Designed to last for many years, pool covers are highly durable and require minimal maintenance. Additionally, they come in a wide range of colours and designs, allowing pool owners to choose a cover that matches their unique style and taste.

Overall, owning a pool cover is crucial for ensuring safety and preventing accidents in and around the pool. By investing in a pool cover, pool owners can enjoy a safer, cleaner, and more economical swimming pool experience.

Safety First: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Pets

Prevents accidental falling or drowning is one of the significant benefits of owning a pool cover, especially for families with children and pets. Designer Pool covers offer various options like automatic and semi-automatic covers, making it easy to use and maintain. These covers prevent unauthorized access, ensuring the safety of your loved ones.

Prevents accidental falling or drowningAutomatic and semi-automatic options
Easy to use and maintainSimple to open and close for daily use

Having a designer pool cover in place provides peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the necessary measures to ensure safety within your property. Additionally, pool covers prevent debris and leaves from entering the water, making it easier to keep the pool clean and hygienic.

“Pool covers are essential in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of children and pets. They are user-friendly and offer a practical solution for maintaining a clean and safe swimming pool environment.”

Whether you own an indoor or outdoor pool, a pool cover is a useful and cost-effective investment for pool owners. Regular use of pool covers can extend the lifespan of pool filters and reduce the need for excessive chemical use, ultimately saving you money on maintenance costs, water usage, and heating expenses.

Designer Pool covers offer unique and customizable designs, blending in with your poolscape and adding aesthetic appeal to your pool area. By owning a pool cover, you ensure that your pool remains safe, clean, and easy to maintain, allowing you to enjoy your swimming pool experience all year round.


In conclusion, owning a pool cover is highly beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures safety, especially for children and animals who may accidentally fall into the pool. Designer Pool covers offer added protection and security. Additionally, pool covers help to minimize energy loss caused by evaporation, thereby reducing the need to refill the pool and saving on heating costs. They also keep the pool clean by preventing debris from entering and reducing the frequency of cleaning and maintenance. Moreover, pool covers contribute to water conservation by preventing evaporation, resulting in significant water savings.

Automatic pool covers offer convenience, durability, and aesthetic appeal while also providing a safety barrier. They are easy to use and maintain. With regular maintenance, Designer Pool covers can last for several years, making them a worthwhile investment. They also help to reduce chemical consumption and maintenance costs.

Overall, investing in a pool cover is a wise decision to protect your pool and enhance your swimming experience. Should you be considering if you should get a pool cover? The answer is yes! With its numerous benefits, a pool cover is an essential accessory for any pool owner, and Designer Pool covers are a great choice for homeowners looking for quality and durability.


Q: Should I get a pool cover?

A: Yes, getting a pool cover is highly recommended for various reasons including safety, energy conservation, cleanliness, and cost savings.

Q: What are the benefits of pool covers?

A: Pool covers provide safety by acting as a barrier for children and animals, help conserve energy by reducing evaporation, keep the pool clean, maintain water temperature during winter, reduce chemical consumption and maintenance costs, and prevent accidental falling or drowning.

Q: What types of pool covers are available?

A: There are various types of pool covers available including safety covers, solar covers, and heavy-duty covers designed to hold significant weight.

Q: How much does a pool cover cost?

A: The cost of a pool cover depends on factors such as size, type, and quality. It is best to consult a professional to get an accurate estimate for your specific pool.

Q: Is pool cover installation difficult?

A: Modern pool covers are designed to be user-friendly and installation is relatively easy. For those who prefer a hassle-free experience, semi-automatic and fully automatic pool covers are also available.

Q: How do I maintain a pool cover?

A: Pool covers are low maintenance. Regularly removing debris and keeping the cover clean will help prolong its lifespan. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s instructions for specific maintenance guidelines.

Q: How do pool covers enhance safety?

A: Pool covers act as a safety measure by preventing accidental falling or drowning. They also deter trespassers or intruders, ensuring the safety of your property.

Q: What are the savings associated with pool covers?

A: Pool covers can help save on energy costs by reducing the need for constant pool heating, lower water consumption by decreasing the frequency of draining and refilling, and reduce the amount of chemicals required for cleaning, resulting in cost savings.

Q: How long do pool covers last?

A: The lifespan of a pool cover depends on factors such as quality, usage, and maintenance. High-quality pool covers can last for several years with proper care.

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