Discover What is the Best Pool Cover to Retain Heat

Designer Pool covers

Discovering the best pool cover to retain heat is essential for maintaining the temperature of your swimming pool. When it comes to choosing a pool cover that retains heat, there are a few factors to consider. Two main types of covers are available in the market – foam and bubble covers. Foam covers act as insulating lids, trapping heat within the pool. Bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature. Nevertheless, both types of covers prevent evaporation, which is the main cause of heat loss.

The performance of the pool cover depends on the thickness of the foam. A 5mm foam provides a 60% saving in heating costs. However, the thickness of the cover is also vital, with a minimum of 400 micron recommended for covers that last two to three years. Thicker covers, like 500 micron, offer more UV protection and a longer lifespan.

Some of the highly rated options for specific pool covers are In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover. When shopping for a solar pool cover, consider factors such as thickness, color, storability, and warranty. It is important to choose a cover that suits your pool’s size, climate, sun exposure, and heat retention needs.

Key Takeaways

  • The two main types of pool covers for heat retention are foam and bubble covers.
  • Foam covers trap heat in the pool, while bubble covers transfer sustainable energy to the water.
  • Thickness is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a pool cover for heat retention
  • The recommended thickness for a pool cover is a minimum of 400 micron for covers that last 2-3 years.
  • Specific pool covers, such as In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover and Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, are highly rated options.
  • When shopping for a solar pool cover, consider factors such as thickness, color, storability, and warranty.
  • Choose a pool cover that suits your pool’s size, climate, sun exposure, and heat retention needs for optimal efficiency.

Foam Covers for Heat Retention

A foam cover acts as an insulating lid for the pool, helping to retain heat in the water. Unlike solar pool covers, foam covers are created with small air bubbles within the material, which prevent evaporation – the main cause of heat loss in pools. This provides a similar heat saving to bubble covers.

The thickness of foam covers is an important factor to consider when choosing a pool cover for heat retention. A 5mm foam cover can offer up to a 60% saving in heating costs. Designer pool covers are made with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), chosen for its buoyancy and chemical resistance. Thicker grades, such as 500micron, are recommended for longer durability and UV protection.

While foam covers are an excellent choice for retaining heat in the pool, they do have their limitations. Unlike solar pool covers, foam covers do not transfer free sustainable energy to the water through the cover. This means that they do not raise the water temperature in the same way. However, foam covers are a great option for those who are looking for a more durable and longer-lasting solution for heat retention.

When considering foam covers for your pool, it is important to factor in the pool size and local climate conditions. This will help you determine the right thickness and grade of foam cover to use. Thicker covers are recommended for colder climates, while thinner covers are better suited for warmer climates.

In conclusion, designer foam covers are an excellent option for those looking to retain heat in their pool. They are a durable and long-lasting solution, preventing evaporation and saving on heating costs. While they may not transfer free sustainable energy to the water, their insulating properties provide a similar heat saving to bubble covers. So, depending on your specific pool needs, foam covers may be the perfect choice for you.

Bubble Covers for Heat Retention

Designer pool covers are essential components in maintaining a swimming pool that is healthy, clean and cost-effective. In particular, a pool cover for heat retention can greatly reduce the energy required for heating the pool, thereby allowing significant savings in heating costs. Bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, are one of the most effective pool covers for this purpose.

On the other hand, a bubble cover, or solar blanket, enables free sustainable energy to be transferred to the water through the cover, resulting in a rise in water temperature. The sustainable energy comes from the sun, which heats the cover and then transfers the heat to the water.

Bubble covers work by using air to create an insulating air gap between the water and the cover. The air helps to retain heat within the pool and prevents heat loss through evaporation, which is the greatest cause of heat loss in swimming pools. Unlike foam covers that act as insulating lids and help retain the heat added to the pool via the heating system, bubble covers transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in an increase in water temperature.

The thickness of the cover is an important consideration, with thicker covers providing better insulation and heat retention. The material used for the covers is low density polyethylene (LDPE), which has good chemical resistance and tensile strength. However, the lifespan of the cover depends on the amount of UV additives mixed with the material and the thickness to withstand the effects of pool sanitizers.

A good quality bubble cover should have a minimum thickness of 400 microns to ensure a lifespan of two to three years. For longer lifespans and better savings, thicker grades such as 500 microns are recommended. The design of the bubble structure also plays a role in the cover’s lifespan, with the aim being to eliminate weak areas and achieve a longer-lasting bubble.

Solar pool covers come in different colours, and the colour of the cover can influence the amount of heat retained in the pool. Clear covers are best for heat gain, while dark covers are better for heat retention. Storability and warranty are also important factors to consider when choosing a solar pool cover.

In conclusion, bubble covers are an effective solution for retaining heat in swimming pools and reducing heating costs. They do this by transferring sustainable energy to the water, preventing evaporation, and using an insulating air gap to retain heat. When choosing a bubble cover, it is important to consider the thickness, material design, lifespan, and the desired heat absorption or retention.

Performance of Foam and Bubble Covers

The performance of foam and bubble covers depends on the thickness of the foam. Foam covers act as insulating lids, retaining heat from the pool’s heating system and preventing heat loss through evaporation. In comparison, bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature and reduced heating costs.

The thickness of the foam and bubble covers affects their effectiveness in retaining heat and reducing heating costs. A 5mm thick foam cover can provide up to 60% savings in heating costs, while a bubble cover can provide up to 50%. It is recommended to choose a cover with a minimum thickness of 400 microns to ensure a lifespan of two to three years. Thicker grades of foam and bubble covers provide better insulation and UV protection, resulting in longer lifespans.

The material design of the cover also affects its lifespan and performance. LDPE (low-density polyethylene) is commonly used for its floatation and chemical resistance properties. Foam and bubble covers with UV additives provide better durability and longevity.

In terms of air insulation, both foam and bubble covers are effective in preventing heat loss through evaporation. However, bubble covers are more efficient in transferring sustainable energy to the water. The performance of both types of covers depends on their thickness, with thicker covers providing better insulation and heat retention.

Overall, foam and bubble covers are effective in reducing heat loss through evaporation and offering energy savings. The choice of cover type and thickness depends on factors such as heat retention needs, climate, and pool size.

Material Design and Thickness for Pool Covers

When it comes to the thickness and material design of pool covers, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is commonly used. LDPE is preferred because of its floatability, chemical resistance, and tensile strength. Additionally, it can withstand pool sanitizers and the elements.

UV additives are essential for the durability and longevity of pool covers. UV rays can cause chemical breakdown and weaken the cover, leading to cracks and tears. To prevent this, manufacturers add UV stabilizers to the material.

The thickness of the cover impacts its ability to retain heat and withstand wear and tear. Covers with a minimum thickness of 400 microns can last two to three years. However, thicker grades offer better insulation and durability. A 500-micron cover can last up to five years with proper care and maintenance.

Thickness Lifespan Optimal Savings
400 microns 2-3 years 60% savings on heating costs with 5mm foam cover
500 microns 5+ years Longer lifespan, optimal savings

Covers with specialized UV stabilization can last up to five to six years. Designer pool covers come in a range of thicknesses and materials, so it’s essential to choose one that meets your specific needs.

High-Performance Pool Covers

For high-performance pool covers, a thickness of 500 microns is commonly used. These covers are designed with specialized UV stabilization to prolong their lifespan and maximize savings.

Thicker covers provide better insulation, making them ideal for colder climates. They also have greater durability and are less likely to tear or puncture. Thinner covers, on the other hand, are suitable for warmer climates and offer easier handling and storage.

The material used for the pool cover is low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a type of plastic known for its chemical resistance and tensile strength. The amount of UV additives in the material determines the cover’s lifespan, with more additives providing better protection against UV rays.

High-performance pool covers offer optimal savings in heating costs within the first year of use. The initial investment in a quality pool cover is offset by the reduction in heating costs and the added benefits of preventing evaporation and using sustainable energy.

When choosing a high-performance pool cover, consider the thickness, UV stabilization, and potential savings. Thicker covers with specialized UV stabilization offer greater longevity and savings, while thinner covers are easier to handle and store.

Solar Pool Covers for Heat Regulation and Debris Prevention

Designer pool covers are an essential investment for any pool owner, as they help retain heat and reduce heating and running costs. Solar pool covers, also known as solar blankets, are designed to regulate water temperature by allowing sustainable energy to be transferred to the water through the cover. This results in a rise in water temperature, which helps to lower heating and running costs for the pool.

In addition to foam and bubble covers, there are various solar pool covers available on the market. Foam covers act as insulating lids, while bubble covers create an insulating air gap between the water and the cover. Both types of covers prevent evaporation, which is the primary cause of heat loss in pools.

When selecting a solar pool cover, it is important to consider factors such as thickness, color (clear for heat gain, dark for heat retention), storability, and warranty. Thicker covers provide better heat retention and are recommended for colder climates. Covers made from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) are ideal due to their floating ability and resistance to chemicals.

Some highly rated solar pool covers include In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover. The size of the pool, local climate, sun exposure, and desired heat absorption or retention should also be taken into account when selecting a cover.

Aside from regulating water temperature, solar pool covers also prevent debris from entering the pool. This reduces the amount of time and effort required for maintenance and cleaning.

With proper maintenance and storage, solar pool covers can last for several years. A warranty can provide added assurance and protection for your investment.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Pool Cover

When shopping for a high-quality solar pool cover, it is important to consider the size of the pool, the local climate, sun exposure, and whether heat absorption or retention is desired. There are several factors to keep in mind when choosing the best pool cover for heat retention.

The first factor is the type of cover. Foam covers act as insulating lids and retain heat from the heating system, while bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature and lower heating costs. The performance of both types depends on the thickness of the foam, with a 5mm foam providing a 60% saving in heating costs and a bubble cover providing a 50% saving.

Another important factor is the thickness and material design of the cover. Covers made from LDPE (low density polyethylene) are recommended for their properties such as floatability, chemical resistance, and tensile strength. The thickness of the cover determines its lifespan and ability to withstand UV radiation and pool sanitizers. A thickness of 400micron is advised for covers with a lifespan of two to three years, while thicker grades like 500micron offer a longer lifespan. High-performance covers with a specialized UV stabilisation package can last over five to six years.

Other factors to consider include the colour of the cover, as clear covers are best for heat gain and dark covers are better for heat retention. Storability is also important, and it is helpful to choose a cover that comes with its own storage bag. Additionally, checking the warranty of the cover is recommended to ensure its durability and resistance to sun exposure.

When choosing a solar pool cover, accurately measuring the pool size and considering climate conditions is vital. Thicker covers are ideal for colder climates, while thinner covers are better for warmer ones. It is essential to select the right size, colour, and material with UV resistance and thickness to determine the most suitable cover for specific needs.

In conclusion, when selecting the best pool cover for heat retention, factors to consider include the type of cover, thickness and material design, colour, storability, and warranty. Choosing the right solar pool cover will help prevent heat loss through evaporation and utilise sustainable energy for heating the pool, ultimately leading to energy and cost savings.

Top Solar Pool Covers on the Market

When it comes to solar pool covers, there are two main types – foam covers and bubble covers. Bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, allow sustainable energy to transfer to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature and lower heating costs. Foam covers, on the other hand, act as insulating lids and retain heat from the heating system. The performance of these covers depends on the foam thickness.

For a good cover that lasts two to three years, the recommended thickness is a minimum of 400 microns. Thicker grades, such as 500 microns, offer a longer lifespan and provide optimal heat savings.

When choosing a solar pool cover, consider factors such as thickness, color, storability, and warranty. Thicker covers are better for colder climates, while thin covers work well in warmer climates. The color of the cover impacts heat transfer and UV ray blocking. Storability is important if you need to store the cover in a clean and dry place, and a good warranty ensures durability.

Some top solar pool covers worth considering include the In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover. These designer pool covers come in various thicknesses and are designed to provide optimal heat retention.

It’s important to consider the size of your pool, local climate, sun exposure, and whether you want the cover to absorb or retain heat when shopping for a solar pool cover. Thickness, material, UV resistance, and color are all factors to consider when finding the best fit.

In terms of material, the thickness of the plastic layers used in pool covers is measured in microns. Standard covers are usually 400 microns, while higher-quality covers can be 500 microns thick. Thicker covers are more durable, but the heat retention properties are similar to the standard covers.

New GeoBubble technology has also improved the design of pool covers by eliminating weak spots. GeoBubble covers come in various thicknesses and colors, with blue/silver covers being the best for heated pools, clear covers maximizing solar gain, and black covers preventing algae growth.

When searching for top solar pool covers, consider the type, thickness, material, and color that best suit your pool’s needs and climate.

Measuring the Pool and Climate Considerations

When shopping for a high-quality solar pool cover, it is important to consider the size of the pool, the local climate, sun exposure, and whether heat absorption or retention is desired.

The size of the pool should be measured precisely to ensure the cover fits edge to edge, preventing any heat loss at the edges. If the pool is an irregular shape, a professional pool cover installer can measure and design a custom cover that fits perfectly.

The climate of the area where the pool is located should also be taken into consideration. Thicker covers provide better insulation in colder and windier climates, preventing heat loss and reducing heating costs. In warmer climates, thinner covers are sufficient and provide cost savings as well. Medium thickness covers are a good balance for various climates.

The color and design of the pool cover also play a role in heat retention and energy savings. Solar pool covers come in various colours, each of which serves a unique purpose. Clear covers are best for heat gain, while dark covers are better for heat retention. Light blue covers offer a middle ground for both heat gain and retention. Depending on your needs, the color of the cover can also help reduce algae growth by preventing sunlight from entering the pool through the cover.

When it comes to thickness, a minimum thickness of 400 microns is recommended for covers that last two to three years. However, for longer lifespan, thicker covers with UV protection and material durability are required. A thickness of 500 microns is often preferred for high performance covers, offering a good balance of durability and convenience.

It is important to note that while thicker covers provide better heat retention, they can be heavier and more difficult to handle. Thinner covers are more lightweight and easier to maneuver, but may not provide the same level of insulation as thicker covers.

Overall, when measuring a pool and considering climate factors, the thickness and material of the pool cover, as well as its color and design, play important roles in heat retention and energy savings.

Conclusion: Choose the Right Designer Pool Cover for Optimal Heat Retention

In summary, the best pool cover for heat retention depends on various factors such as the type (foam or bubble), thickness, material design, and specific needs. Designer pool covers provide effective insulation and help retain heat, preventing heat loss through evaporation and reducing heating and maintenance costs. Foam covers act as an insulating lid, while bubble covers transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature and reduced heating costs.

The performance of both foam and bubble covers depends on their thickness. A 5mm foam cover provides a 60% saving in heating costs, while a bubble cover provides a 50% saving. The material and design of the cover also play a role in its lifespan and performance. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is commonly used for its floating ability, chemical resistance, and tensile strength. Thicker covers offer better UV protection and longevity, with a recommended minimum thickness of 400micron for a two to three-year lifespan. For high performance, 500micron covers with a specialised UV stabilisation package are recommended, providing a lifespan of over five to six years.

Solar pool covers can also be chosen based on their thickness, color, storability, and warranty. Thicker covers offer better insulation in colder climates, while thin covers are sufficient in warmer climates. The color of the cover affects heat transfer and UV protection, with clear colors being best for heat gain and dark colors for heat retention. Storability and warranty are also important considerations.

Specifically, the In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover are highly rated options. The GeoBubble covers, available in 400, 500, and 600 micron thicknesses, offer a longer lifespan and are recommended for general usage. The clear cover, known as the sol+ guard, is ideal for maximizing solar gain, while the black cover prevents algae growth.

Ultimately, choosing the right designer pool cover can help retain heat, reduce evaporation and chemical usage, and ultimately save money on heating and maintenance costs. It is important to accurately measure the pool size and consider climate conditions when selecting a cover, with thicker covers recommended for colder climates and thinner covers for warmer climates. When making a decision, it is vital to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each type of cover and consider specific needs to ensure optimal heat retention and cost savings.

Best Pool Cover for Heat Retention: Make an Informed Decision

Whether it’s a foam cover or a solar blanket, the goal is to prevent evaporation and utilize sustainable energy for heating the pool. When it comes to choosing a pool cover for heat retention, there are a few factors to consider.

Bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, transfer sustainable energy to the water, resulting in a rise in temperature and lower heating costs. Foam covers, on the other hand, work as insulating lids and help retain heat from the pool heating system. Both types of covers prevent evaporation and provide similar heat savings.

The thickness and material design of the pool cover are important considerations for lifespan and performance. The thickness should be a minimum of 400 microns for a cover to last two to three years. Thicker grades, such as 500 microns, offer better UV protection and material durability, lasting over five to six years.

In terms of options available in the market, solar pool covers come in different thicknesses and colors. Thicker covers, ranging from 14 to 16 mils, offer better insulation in colder climates, while thinner covers of around 8 to 10 mils are suitable for warmer climates. The color of the cover also plays a role in heat transfer and retention, with clear colors being best for heat gain and dark colors for heat retention.

Some highly rated solar pool covers include the In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover.

When shopping for a high-quality solar pool cover, it is important to consider the size of your pool, local climate, sun exposure, and whether you want the cover to absorb heat or retain it. Measuring your pool’s dimensions accurately is crucial to choose the right size cover. Additionally, considering the material, UV resistance, and warranty of the cover is recommended.

In conclusion, for general usage and heat retention, the 600-micron blue/silver Geobubble cover is considered the best pool cover. However, if you don’t heat your pool and want to maximize solar gain, the clear cover known as the Sol+ Guard is a good option. The black cover is ideal for preventing algae growth in the pool water. Make an informed decision based on your specific needs and preferences.


Q: What factors should I consider when choosing a pool cover for heat retention?

A: When choosing a pool cover for heat retention, consider the type of cover (foam or bubble), the thickness, the material design, and your specific needs.

Q: How do foam covers help retain heat?

A: Foam covers act as an insulating lid for the pool, helping to retain the heat added via the heating system. However, they do not transfer additional energy to the water.

Q: How do bubble covers help retain heat?

A: Bubble covers, also known as solar blankets, transfer sustainable energy to the water through the cover, resulting in a rise in water temperature and lower heating and running costs.

Q: How much can I save on heating costs with foam and bubble covers?

A: A 5mm foam cover can provide a 60% saving in heating costs, while a bubble cover can provide a 50% saving.

Q: What material is commonly used for pool covers?

A: Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is commonly used for pool covers due to its material properties, including floatability, chemical resistance, clarity, and tensile strength.

Q: What thickness of pool cover is recommended for longevity?

A: A minimum thickness of 400 microns is recommended for a pool cover to last two to three years. Thicker grades, such as 500 microns, offer UV protection and durability for a longer lifespan.

Q: Are there high-performance pool covers available?

A: Yes, high-performance pool covers with a thickness of 500 microns are commonly used. These covers have a specialized UV stabilization package designed for a lifespan of over five to six years and provide optimum savings for their specific applications.

Q: What factors should I consider when shopping for a solar pool cover?

A: When shopping for a solar pool cover, consider factors such as thickness, color, storability, and warranty.

Q: How do I choose the right solar pool cover for my pool?

A: Consider the size of the pool, the local climate, sun exposure, and whether you desire heat absorption or retention. Measure the pool accurately and choose a cover that suits your specific needs.

Q: What are some top solar pool covers on the market?

A: Some top solar pool covers worth considering include the In The Swim 12-Mil Solar Pool Cover, Midwest Canvas Ultra 16 Mil Solar Blanket, Blue Wave 8-Mil Solar Blanket, Doheny’s Clear-Tek Micro-Bubble Solar Cover, and BigXwell Solar Pool Cover. These covers vary in thickness, color, and sizes, and they all come with long-term warranties.

Q: How should I measure my pool for a pool cover?

A: Accurately measure the size of your pool, as covering the pool from edge to edge is necessary for optimal heat retention.

Q: What should I consider based on the climate when choosing a pool cover?

A: In colder climates, thicker pool covers ranging from 14 mils to 16 mils offer better insulation, while in warmer climates, thinner pool covers around 8 mils to 10 mils are sufficient.

Can Using the Best Pool Cover Help Prevent Drooping and Sagging?

Using the best pool cover is essential for preventing pool cover sagging. Properly designed and sturdy pool covers help maintain their shape, ensuring they do not droop or sag over time. By investing in a high-quality pool cover, you can ensure that your pool remains protected while keeping it neat and aesthetically pleasing.

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