why cover swimming pool in winter

Winter’s rolling in and it’s time to think about your swimming pool – how will it fare through the chilly months? Every winter, uncovered pools collect unwanted debris, making spring cleaning a real hassle.

This article is your guide to understanding why a winter pool cover is the smart move to keep your pool in top condition until summer returns. Keep reading; we’re diving into clear waters on protecting your pool this winter!

Key Takeaways

  • A winter pool cover stops leaves, rainwater, and debris from getting into your pool. This means less cleaning work when summer comes.
  • Pool covers help stop water from evaporating. They can save up to 10,000 litres of water from disappearing each year.
  • Covers protect the pool liner from sun damage and cold weather, making it last longer than the normal 8 to 12 years.
  • Winter covers are cheaper than safety covers but both types prevent accidents by stopping people and pets falling in.
  • Using a cover cuts down costs on chemicals for cleaning and saves electricity because you don’t need to run filters as much.

Understanding a Winter Pool Cover

A still pool covered with a winter pool cover amidst fallen leaves.

A winter pool cover keeps your swimming pool safe and clean when it’s cold. It is strong and stops rainwater and leaves from getting into the water. This kind of cover fits snugly over your pool.

Safety is key with a winter pool cover. It helps stop people or pets from falling in, which means fewer accidents. Plus, it comes with things to help keep the water fresh. You get borate floaters that control algae growth, and algaecide that kills any that does appear.

The Importance of Covering a Pool in Winter

A tranquil winter pool surrounded by falling leaves captures nature's balance.

Winter pool covers are essential for protecting your pool from debris, preventing water evaporation, and extending the lifespan of your pool liner.

Protection from Debris

A pool cover floats on a clean pool capturing sunlight.

Covering your pool in winter stops leaves, bugs, and twigs from getting into the water. This means less dirt and you won’t have to clean as often. To keep a cover working well, it’s good to use tools like a leaf blower or soft brush to get rid of stuff that falls on it.

This keeps the cover safe from breaking or letting dirt through. Next up is how a pool cover helps stop water from going away into the air.

Prevention of Water Evaporation

A pool cover on a clear pool surrounded by flowers and greenery.

Pool covers work wonders in stopping water from disappearing into the air. Every year, a pool can lose a lot of water to evaporation, sometimes 1.5 times its whole amount of water.

But with a good cover on top, you can keep up to 10,000 liters right where it should be – in your pool.

Putting a lid on your swimming pool not only keeps the water level steady but also cuts down on how much you need to use chemicals to clean the water. Since less dust and leaves get in as well, keeping the cover on is like hitting two birds with one stone – saving both water and making sure there’s less mess to clear out later.

Extended Lifespan of Pool Liner

A pool covered in durable winter cover surrounded by snowy landscape.

Besides keeping water in, a winter pool cover also takes care of the liner. With good care and protection, including using a cover during cold months, liners can last longer than their usual 8 to 12 years.

The cover shields the liner from harsh UV light that can make it weak and cause tears or cracks. It keeps away ice and frost too, which means less risk of damage when the weather gets very cold.

A tidy pool with a healthy liner sure makes for happy swimming when summer comes back around! Using a safety cover helps as well because it stops sunlight from getting to the surface all day long, which can make both your pool and its liner last even longer.

Cost and Considerations for a Winter Pool Cover

A snow-covered pool in a tranquil backyard scene.

Winter pool covers do not cost too much. You might spend between $75 and $225 for one. If you have an inground pool, these covers are a smart choice. They help save money over time because they are cheaper than other kinds.

Safety covers for swimming pools usually have a higher price tag. These types can stop accidents and keep things clean too. The price of a safety cover could be higher than a simple winter cover but they add extra protection.

Before buying a winter pool cover, think about what your pool needs to stay safe from storms and cold weather. Choose the right kind that stops leaves and dirt from getting in the water.

Make sure you get one that fits well over your swimming pool. Some need pumps to take away water that collects on top; these usually cost more, between $175 to $425.

The Benefits of a Winter Pool Cover

A closed pool with a winter cover in a snowy landscape.

Save money on cleaning and maintenance costs, and increase pool safety.

Cost Savings on Cleaning and Maintenance

A peaceful outdoor pool area with a reflective and serene atmosphere.

Covering your pool in winter cuts down on the work and money needed to keep it clean. With a cover, leaves, twigs and bugs can’t get into the water. This means you spend less time scooping stuff out of your pool and less cash on supplies like chemicals to keep it clean.

Because the cover stops dirt from getting in, you also don’t have to run filters or cleaners as often. This saves electricity.

Less cleaning means more time for fun when summer comes around again. Plus, a tidy pool is safer for everyone. Keeping your swimming spot covered when it’s cold makes sure that when warm weather returns, your pool will be ready for splashy times with no hassle.

Next up: Enhanced Pool Safety!

Enhanced Pool Safety

A child plays next to a covered pool in a lush backyard.

Using a winter pool cover not only saves money, but it also makes the area around your pool much safer. It’s like having a safety net that stops children and pets from falling in. When your pool is covered, you can relax knowing no one will have an accident.

This peace of mind is important when the pool is out of sight during colder months.

A good cover keeps the heat in and lowers the risk someone might get hurt. By using a safety pool cover, you block off water access completely. This means there’s no chance for anyone to slip under unnoticed.

Also, this kind of protection lasts long past winter and helps make sure fun days at the pool stay safe for everyone.


A snow-covered swimming pool with blue water, devoid of human activity.

In conclusion, covering your swimming pool in winter is essential for protecting it from debris and organic matter. This simple step can save you time and money on maintenance while extending the lifespan of your pool liner.

By minimising evaporation and heat loss, a winter pool cover can also lead to significant cost savings and better chemical balance. Ensuring that you have a high-quality cover for seasonal closings will help safeguard your pool from damage during the harsh winter months.

Take action now to enjoy a clean, well-maintained pool when summer returns.


1. Why should I cover my pool in winter?

Covering your pool during the winter stops leaves and other things from getting into the water. It also helps keep heat in, so you can save energy.

2. Can a pool cover help with hygiene?

Yes, covering your swimming pool keeps it clean and reduces how much water treatment is needed to maintain good hygiene measures.

3. Do indoor pools need covers in winter too?

Indoor pools benefit from covers as well because they reduce heat loss and help with saving on heating costs.

4. Will covering my pool affect any electronic communications or privacy policies?

No, covering your pool won’t interfere with network connections like those used by your internet service provider or disrupt any electronic communications or privacy policy agreements you have.

5. Are there special types of covers for pools?

There are many kinds of covers made for pools, such as tarpaulins that protect against weather and automatic pool cleaners that work under the cover to keep the water clean.

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