Can You Open a Pool Cover With Water On It? Find Out Here!

One of the important tasks that comes with preparing for swim season is opening up your pool and removing the pool cover. But what do you do if there is water on the cover?

Designer Pool covers advises against opening the pool cover with water on it because of the potential risks and damages it can cause. Leaving standing water on a pool cover can result in the cover sagging or ripping, posing a drowning risk for children and animals. It can also attract algae and mosquitoes and make a mess.

So, what are the methods to remove water from a pool cover?

Key Takeaways:

  • Opening a pool cover with water on it is not advisable as it can cause damage and pose a safety risk.
  • Standing water on a pool cover can attract algae and mosquitoes, making a mess.
  • Methods to remove water from a pool cover include a garden hose siphon, a shop vac, hiring a professional, and using a cover pump.

Risks of Water Accumulation on Pool Cover

Water accumulation on the pool cover can pose several risks, especially for Designer Pool covers. The weight of the water alone can cause the pool cover to rip, tear, or sag, potentially resulting in damage to the cover. Moreover, standing water on the pool cover can become a drowning risk for animals and small children who may gain access to the pool area. Additionally, stagnant water serves as a breeding ground for algae and mosquitoes, which can pose health hazards.

Methods to Remove Water From Pool Cover

When it comes to pool covers, water accumulation can be a common problem. This can not only damage the cover itself but also pose safety risks and create breeding grounds for algae and mosquitoes. There are a few methods you can use to remove the water from your Designer Pool Covers without a pump.

One simple method is to use a garden hose siphon. You would need a long enough hose to reach both the spigot and the pool cover. Place one end of the hose into the standing water on the cover and secure it with a brick. Connect the other end of the hose to the faucet and let the water run for about a minute. Then, quickly disconnect the hose from the spigot to create a suction effect that pulls the water from the cover.

Another option is to use a shop vac to remove the excess water. However, this method requires caution as it may involve climbing and balancing. It’s essential to ensure that your pool cover can withstand the weight of both you and the vacuum.

If you prefer to hire a professional, there are companies available that offer water removal services for opening pools. However, this can be quite costly, so it’s important to consider the potential damage to the cover and the accumulated water before deciding on this option.

Using cover pumps is the most straightforward and affordable solution. These pumps can be manual or automatic, with the latter being more convenient as they can sense the water level and turn on and off accordingly. Investing in a good-quality cover pump can help prevent damage to your Designer Pool Cover and eliminate the risks associated with standing water.

In conclusion, removing water from your pool cover is essential to protect both the cover and your pool. Various methods, such as using a garden hose siphon or a shop vac, can be employed. However, the most efficient and cost-effective option is to invest in a cover pump.

Using a Garden Hose Siphon

One common method for removing water from a pool cover is using a garden hose siphon. This is a simple and effective way to prevent water accumulation on Designer Pool covers.

The accumulation of standing water on the pool cover can cause damage to the cover and pose a drowning risk for animals and small children. To use a garden hose siphon, one end of the hose is placed in the standing water and secured with a brick at the edge of the pool. The other end of the hose is then connected to the faucet and the water is turned on for approximately one minute.

After a minute, the hose is quickly disconnected from the spigot, creating a suction that pulls the water from the pool cover. While a shop vac or hiring a professional can also be used to remove water from the pool cover, a garden hose siphon is a cost-effective and convenient option.

Investing in a cover pump is recommended as it is the easiest and most affordable way to remove excess water and prevent damage to the pool cover. Be sure to remove standing water from your Designer Pool covers and keep them in good condition.

Using a Shop Vac

If you own a shop vac, it can be a useful tool for removing excess water from various surfaces, including pool covers. However, it is essential to ensure that the pool cover can support the weight of both the person using the shop vac and the vacuum itself. It is also important to note that shop vacs may not be suitable for larger pool covers as they may not have enough suction power to remove all the water.

Designer Pool covers recommends investing in a quality cover pump that can sense the water level and automatically turn on and off. Cover pumps are the easiest and most affordable option for removing water from a pool cover. They can be used throughout the winter to prevent water accumulation and potential damage to the cover.

If you decide to use a shop vac, make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Place the shop vac on a dry surface near the pool cover.
  2. Attach the vacuum hose to the suction port of the shop vac.
  3. Place the hose on the pool cover and turn on the shop vac.
  4. Slowly move the hose around the cover to remove as much water as possible. Remember to keep an eye on the water level in the shop vac and empty it as needed.
  5. Once you have removed as much water as possible, turn off the shop vac and disconnect the hose.

While using a shop vac can be an effective method for removing water from a pool cover, it is crucial to take the necessary precautions and ensure that the pool cover can support the weight. Hiring a professional to remove excess water from a pool cover can be costly, with some charges ranging from a flat rate of $250 to an hourly rate. However, it may be the best option for larger pool covers or for those who are not comfortable using a shop vac.

Remember, it is important to remove standing water from pool covers to maintain their integrity and prevent potential issues such as the accumulation of debris, the growth of algae and mosquitoes, and potential damage to the cover.

Hiring a Professional

If you prefer a professional to handle the task, some companies offer services to remove excess water when opening a pool. Designer Pool covers is a well-known company specialising in pool cover maintenance and can provide this service for you. They can remove water from the pool cover and ensure that it is in good condition for the swimming season. Hiring a professional ensures that the job is done properly and efficiently, without any potential damage to the cover.

It is important to consider the cost when hiring a professional. Some companies charge a flat rate or an hourly rate for this service. It is recommended to research and compare quotes from different companies before making a decision.

Alternatively, investing in a cover pump, either manual or automatic, can be a more affordable and convenient option to prevent water accumulation on the cover throughout the winter. It’s recommended to research and choose a reputable brand for cover pumps like Black & Decker.

Removing water from the pool cover without a pump can be done using a siphon or scooping with a bucket, but it can be a slow process. It’s essential to clear debris and drain water from the pool cover before removing it and cleaning it to prevent further debris from entering the pool. Following these steps, setting up pool equipment, cleaning the pool, and adjusting the pool water chemistry will ensure that your inground pool is ready for the swimming season.

In summary, hiring a professional to remove water from your pool cover can be an efficient and convenient option. Designer Pool covers is one of the companies that offer this service. Alternatively, investing in a cover pump can be a more affordable option. Regardless of the method, removing standing water from your pool cover is crucial for its maintenance and care.

Using a Cover Pump

The most convenient and affordable option for removing water from your Designer Pool Cover is to invest in a cover pump. Standing water on the pool cover can lead to damage, posing a risk to both the cover and the pool itself. A cover pump is essential for maintaining the condition and safety of your pool cover.

Cover pumps come in both manual and automatic versions, with the latter being the more convenient choice as they automatically turn on and off based on the water level. Automatic cover pumps ensure an easier pool opening process and avoid unnecessary costs associated with hiring professionals or risk using alternative methods.

It is recommended to invest in a cover pump to prevent excess water from the pool cover. Removing the water will help prevent potential hazards, such as algae and mosquito breeding, and will ultimately save you time and money in the long run by avoiding unnecessary pool cover maintenance costs.

Benefits of Removing Standing Water

Removing standing water from pool covers is essential for several reasons. Firstly, the weight of the water can cause damage to the cover and even the pool itself. This is especially true for Designer Pool covers, which are designed to fit snugly over the pool. When water accumulates, it puts pressure on the cover and the pool walls, which can lead to tearing or damage to the pool structure. This can result in costly repairs or replacements.

Additionally, standing water serves as a breeding ground for algae and mosquitoes, posing a health risk. Algae thrives in warm, wet environments, and can quickly spread over the pool cover, making it unsightly to look at and difficult to clean. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water, and a pool cover with standing water provides the ideal breeding ground for these pests, which can carry diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika virus.

There are several methods to remove standing water, including using a garden hose siphon or a shop vac. These methods can be time-consuming and require a certain level of expertise. However, the most effective and convenient option is to invest in a cover pump, which can be used throughout the year to prevent water accumulation. Cover pumps are designed to quickly and efficiently remove water from pool covers, and are easy to use and maintain.

By removing standing water from pool covers, you can ensure pool safety and hygiene. Not only will this help to protect your pool cover and pool structure, but it will also prevent the growth of algae and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses. In short, it is an important step in maintaining the health and cleanliness of your pool.


By taking the necessary steps to remove standing water, you can ensure a smooth transition into the swim season and maintain the health and integrity of your pool cover. Designer Pool covers recommend removing standing water from pool covers as it prevents damage and potential hazards.

The Risks of Water Accumulation on Pool Cover

Leaving standing water on pool covers can cause the cover to rip or sag, posing a safety risk for children and animals. In addition, the water accumulation can lead to the growth of algae and mosquitoes, increasing the risk of waterborne illnesses. Therefore, it is important to remove any standing water as soon as possible.

Methods to Remove Water From Pool Cover

Various methods can be used to remove water from pool covers, such as using a garden hose siphon, a shop vac, or a cover pump. While each method has its benefits and drawbacks, using a cover pump is the most effective and convenient option as it removes large amounts of water efficiently. Cover pumps come in both manual and automatic options, with the latter being more convenient as they sense when to turn on and off.

Proper Pool Cover Maintenance

In addition to removing standing water, it is crucial to properly clean and maintain the pool cover before storing it for the summer season. This includes removing any debris, scrubbing and washing the cover, and allowing it to dry completely before storing it. By following these steps, pool owners can ensure that their pool covers remain in good condition and that their pools are ready for the swimming season.

Overall, proper pool cover maintenance is essential for ensuring that your pool remains in good condition and that your family can enjoy a safe and healthy swimming experience. Take the time to remove standing water from your pool cover and invest in a cover pump for the most effective and convenient solution. By doing so, you can enjoy a beautiful and functional swimming pool season after season.


Q: Can I open a pool cover with water on it?

A: Yes, you can open a pool cover with water on it, but it is important to remove the standing water to avoid damage to the pool cover and potential risks.

Q: What are the risks of water accumulation on the pool cover?

A: Water accumulation on the pool cover can cause damage to the cover, as well as serve as a breeding ground for algae and mosquitoes. It also poses a risk of drowning for animals and small children who may gain access to the top of the pool cover.

Q: How can I remove water from my pool cover?

A: There are several methods you can use to remove water from your pool cover, including using a garden hose siphon, a shop vac, or a cover pump.

Q: How do I use a garden hose siphon to remove water from the pool cover?

A: To use a garden hose siphon, place one end of the hose into the standing water on the pool cover and secure it on the edge of the pool. Connect the other end of the hose to your faucet, turn on the water for approximately one minute, and quickly disconnect the hose end from the spigot to create suction that will start pulling the water from the pool cover.

Q: Can I use a shop vac to remove water from the pool cover?

A: Yes, you can use a shop vac to remove water from the pool cover. However, this method can be challenging and may require multiple trips to empty the shop vac. Ensure that your pool cover can withstand your weight and the weight of the vacuum before attempting this method.

Q: Should I hire a professional to remove water from the pool cover?

A: Hiring a professional is an option, but it can be costly. Some companies offer services to remove excess water when opening a pool, with prices ranging from a flat rate of $250 to an hourly rate.

Q: What is a cover pump?

A: A cover pump is the most convenient and affordable option to remove water from a pool cover. It can be used throughout the winter season to prevent water accumulation. Cover pumps come in manual and automatic options, with automatic pumps sensing the water level and turning on and off accordingly.

Q: Why is it important to remove standing water from the pool cover?

A: Removing standing water from the pool cover is essential to avoid damage to the cover and maintain the overall health of your pool. Standing water can cause tears, rips, and sagging in the cover, as well as serve as a breeding ground for algae and mosquitoes.

What Could Be the Reasons Why My Pool Cover Is Not Opening?

A pool cover not opening can be attributed to various reasons. A malfunctioning motor or track system, debris buildup, or mechanical issues could all be culprits. It’s important to inspect and troubleshoot the equipment, ensuring proper maintenance and addressing any necessary repairs promptly to enjoy a fully functional pool cover.

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