hard pool covers

Pooling can be fantastic, but the challenge lies in keeping it safe and clean. Did you know that hard pool covers are an efficient solution to this problem? This article will guide you through different types of hard covers, their safety features, benefits and factors to consider when choosing one.

Dive in to discover how these accessories can transform your pool’s function and style!

Key Takeaways

  • Hard pool covers, such as solid safety covers and automatic vinyl covers, offer great safety features and can last for up to 10 years.
  • These covers keep kids and pets safe with tough materials like solid PVC and aluminum battens.
  • Hard pool covers help save water by preventing evaporation, reduce heating costs by retaining heat in the pool, and minimize debris from entering the water.

Types of Hard Pool Covers

A partially rolled up pool cover in a beautiful backyard.

There are various types of hard pool covers available, including solid safety covers, automatic vinyl covers, and PoolDeck slatted covers.

Solid Safety Covers

Solid safety covers are a good choice for pool owners. These hard pool covers offer great safety and can last for up to 10 years. They meet all the public pool regulations and often pass inspection easily.

Solid safety covers also help save water and power in your home or business place. The cost of these vinyl covers ranges from $1,200 to $3,000 on average. With solid safety covers, you get value for your money while keeping everyone safe around the pool area.

Automatic Vinyl Covers

Automatic vinyl covers are a type of hard pool cover. They offer protection to your pool using vinyl attached to a track system. This setup lets you slide the cover on and off the pool with just a push of a button! It’s very easy to use, making it popular among many.

These automatic covers find their strength in their build. Made from heavy-duty vinyl, they last for a long time without damage. The tough material also acts as an effective barrier against vapour.

Because of this, automatic vinyl covers help cut down on water loss from evaporation too!

PoolDeck Slatted Covers

PoolDeck Slatted Covers are a kind of hard pool cover. They cost about $6,000 to $8,000. These covers have anti-algae slats that stop algae growth in the pool. This is great because it keeps your pool clear and clean for longer.

But be careful! The wooden slats can’t hold much weight. Only one person should walk on them at a time for safety reasons. They are not made to give firm vertical surfaces or paths on top of pools.

Enhanced Safety Features of Hard Pool Covers

A photo of a pristine covered swimming pool demonstrating enhanced safety features.

Hard pool covers offer enhanced safety features, including protection against debris and leaves to keep the pool clean, as well as child and pet safety measures to prevent accidents.

Child and pet safety

Hard pool covers keep kids and pets safe. They are tough, made from solid PVC. Aluminium battens across the cover give added protection. This forms a barrier so children and pets can’t get to the pool area by themselves.

Some covers, like mesh ones, let rainwater go through but stop kids and pets falling in the water. Electric pool covers add another safety level, keeping pools clean for use all year round.

Protection against debris and leaves

Hard pool covers keep the pool clean. They block leaves, dirt and small things from getting into the water. The cover stays in place with a strong anchoring system. So, it can stop light stuff like leaves or plastic bags from falling in.

Solid safety covers are very good at this job. Besides keeping out dry things, they also protect against wet weather. Rainwater, snowmelt, and even fine things like pollen cannot get through these covers.

Benefits of Hard Pool Covers

Hard pool covers offer numerous benefits, including reduced evaporation and heat loss, as well as energy savings from reduced heating requirements.

Reduced evaporation and heat loss

A hard pool cover keeps your pool warm. It stops the sun’s heat from going away. The cool air can’t touch the water surface too. This way, water does not turn into vapour fast. You don’t lose much water from your pool.

So, you save both water and heat energy with a hard pool cover on it.

Energy savings from reduced heating requirements

Hard pool covers help to save energy. They lessen the pool’s heating needs. This is because they stop heat from leaving the water. Sun rays also can’t warm up the water when a cover is in place.

So, this cuts down on solar gain. As a result, there’s less need to reheat the water and less power used for heat pumps. In fact, hard pool covers can trap up to 75% of a pool’s warmth! This means big savings on energy bills and lower CO2 emissions too.

Considerations When Choosing a Hard Pool Cover

Size and shape compatibility, durability and longevity, ease of installation and maintenance, and cost-effectiveness are all important factors to consider when choosing a hard pool cover.

Size and shape compatibility

The size and shape of your pool are important considerations when choosing a hard pool cover. You need to make sure that the cover fits properly and provides complete coverage for your pool.

The cost of installing a hard pool cover also depends on the size and shape of your pool, so it’s essential to choose one that matches your specific needs. For example, automatic pool covers are commonly used for rectangular pools, while inground pools can have covers that you can walk on.

If you have an above ground pool, dome covers are often considered the best option. So, before purchasing a hard pool cover, take into account the size and shape compatibility with your specific type of swimming pool.

Durability and longevity

Choosing a hard pool cover with durability and longevity is essential for long-lasting protection and cost-efficiency. Factors such as the materials used, quality of construction, and maintenance practices all play a role in determining the lifespan of a pool cover.

Premium safety covers made of durable materials like solid PVC can last anywhere from five to ten years, providing reliable protection season after season. Well-maintained covers have even been known to last up to 15 years.

So it’s important to invest in a high-quality pool cover, perform regular cleaning and debris removal, and properly store the cover during the off-season to maximize its lifespan. By considering durability and longevity when choosing a hard pool cover, you ensure that your investment will provide effective protection for years to come without needing frequent replacements or repairs.

Ease of installation and maintenance

Choosing a hard pool cover that is easy to install and maintain is important for hassle-free use. All-Safe Pool Fence & Covers specializes in supplying and seamlessly installing automatic pool covers, ensuring expert installation and convenience.

When selecting a pool cover, considering factors like size compatibility, durability, longevity, and cost-effectiveness will help make maintenance easier in the long run. With proper care such as regular cleaning, debris removal, and proper storage during the off-season, the lifespan of a 500 Micron cover can be extended up to 1-5 years.

Easy closure and opening mechanisms also contribute to the overall ease of using a hard pool cover. So by choosing a suitable cover and following proper maintenance practices, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your pool is protected while minimizing effort on installation and upkeep.


Choosing a hard pool cover can be a cost-effective investment for pool owners. These covers help to save on expenses in various ways. Firstly, they can significantly reduce the amount of water and chemicals needed to maintain the pool.

By preventing evaporation, less water is lost, resulting in savings on water bills. Additionally, with a pool cover in place, fewer chemicals are required to keep the water clean and balanced.

Moreover, hard pool covers offer thermal insulation properties that help retain heat within the pool. This means that less energy is needed to heat up the water when using the pool or during colder months.

In fact, studies have shown that using a pool cover can result in savings of 50% to 70% on heating costs! With these energy-efficient benefits, not only do you save money but you also contribute towards reducing your carbon footprint.

Maintenance and Care for Hard Pool Covers

Regular cleaning and debris removal are necessary to maintain the effectiveness of hard pool covers in preventing dirt and leaves from entering the pool.

Regular cleaning and debris removal

Regular cleaning and debris removal are crucial for maintaining and caring for hard pool covers. Here are some important steps to follow:

  1. Remove leaves and debris: Use a leaf skimmer or pool net to remove any leaves, sticks, or other debris that may have accumulated on the pool cover.
  2. Hose off dirt and grime: Use a hose with a spray nozzle to gently rinse off any dirt or grime on the pool cover. Avoid using harsh cleaners or brushes that could damage the cover.
  3. Scrub stubborn stains: If there are any stubborn stains on the cover, use a soft brush or sponge with mild soap and water to gently scrub them away.
  4. Dry the cover thoroughly: After cleaning, allow the pool cover to dry completely before folding it up or storing it away. This helps prevent mold and mildew growth.
  5. Store properly during off-season: When not in use, store the pool cover in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid folding it tightly to prevent creases and damage.

Proper storage during off-season

Proper storage of hard pool covers during the off-season is crucial for their maintenance and care. Before storing the pool cover, it is important to clean it thoroughly, removing any debris or dirt.

Additionally, it is recommended to organize the storage space and ensure that there are no sharp objects that can damage the cover. When storing the pool cover, it should be kept in a shaded area away from direct sunlight to prevent any potential damage or fading caused by exposure to UV rays.

Drying the cover completely before storage helps to prevent mold or mildew growth. Finally, folding the pool cover properly ensures easy storage and prevents any unnecessary creasing or bending that could affect its quality.

Inspection and repair of any damages

Regular inspection of hard pool covers is important to identify any damages early and prevent further complications. Here are some key points to consider for the inspection and repair of any damages:

  1. Conduct regular pool cover inspections to detect any signs of damage or wear.
  2. Look for tears, holes, or rips in the cover material.
  3. Check the edges and corners for any loose or damaged components.
  4. Inspect the anchor points and straps to ensure they are securely attached.
  5. Examine the motor mechanism (for automatic covers) for any malfunctions or unusual sounds.
  6. Address any damaged areas promptly by repairing or replacing them as needed.
  7. Seek professional assistance if you are unsure about how to fix a certain issue.
  8. Preemptive maintenance can help prevent costly repairs in the future.


In conclusion, hard pool covers provide essential protection and safety for your pool. They come in different types like solid safety covers, automatic vinyl covers, and PoolDeck slatted covers.

With enhanced safety features and benefits such as reduced evaporation and energy savings, choosing the right hard pool cover is crucial. Consider factors like size compatibility, durability, ease of installation and maintenance, and cost-effectiveness when making your decision.

Proper care and maintenance will ensure that your hard pool cover lasts longer. Keep your pool clean from debris while keeping loved ones safe with a reliable hard pool cover.


1. What is a hard pool cover?

A hard pool cover is a solid and durable cover that can be placed on top of a swimming pool to protect it from debris, reduce water evaporation, and help maintain the temperature of the water.

2. Why should I use a hard pool cover?

Using a hard pool cover helps to keep your swimming pool clean by preventing leaves, dirt, and other debris from entering the water. It also reduces evaporation, which can save water and energy costs. Additionally, it can help retain heat in the pool, making it more comfortable for swimming.

3. How do I install a hard pool cover?

Installing a hard pool cover involves placing the panels or sections of the cover over the surface of the swimming pool and securing them in place with anchors or straps. The exact installation process may vary depending on the specific type and brand of the hard pool cover.

4. Can I walk on a hard pool cover?

In general, it is not recommended to walk on a hardpoolcover as they are designed to support weight when properly installed over still water surfaces only. Walking or jumping on a bare or unsupported section could cause damage to both yourself andthehardpoolcover.

5. How do I maintain a hardswimmingpoolcover?

To maintaina hardswimmingpoolcover , you should regularly remove any debris that accumulates on its surface usinga brushor hose.It’s also importantto inspectandrepair/replaceanydamagedpartsofthecoverinordertopreventwaterleakageorpoolsafetyissues.During theseasonwhenyouaren’tusingthepool,youcanstorethehardswimmingpoolcoversafelyinanappropriatelocationthatisawayfromdirectsunlightandextremetemperatures.

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